Anonymous ID: 136ede Feb. 7, 2019, 1:28 a.m. No.5064650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4659 >>4709 >>4825

Tuesday Feb 5 in Congress

page 1


Source is the day's Congressional Record



POTUS State of the Union message (text of speech)

duplicate, on pages (H 1356 to H 1360) and (S 862 to S 866)


House of Representatives

Rep. Espaillat was Speaker pro Tempore.


No record votes.


Some bills introduced:


H.R. 962. A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.


H.R. 964. A bill to amend the PresidentialTransition Act of 1963 to require the development of ethics plans for certain transition teams, and for other purposes.


H.R. 966. A bill to repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force.


H.R. 968. A bill to prohibit the use of Federal funds to build a wall along the southern border, and for other purposes.


H.R. 969. A bill to amend the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to bring the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection into the regular appropriations process.


H.R. 970. A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to develop a plan for the removal of the monument to Robert E. Lee at the Antietam National Battlefield.


H.R. 971. A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the possession of a firearm by, or the disposition of a firearm to, a person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of animal cruelty.


H.R. 974. A bill to amend the Federal Reserve Act to require the Vice Chairman for Supervision of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to provide a written report, and for other purposes.


H.R. 979. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require inclusion of the taxpayers social security number to claim the refundable portion of the child tax credit.



Senator Grassley was President pro Tempore.



S 49 A bill to designate the outstation of the Department of Veterans Affairs in North Ogden, Utah, as the Major Brent Taylor Vet Center Outstation.


Senator Lee (page S 847):

S 49, Memorial speech: "Following his tragic passing, in an attack on November 3 of this last year, Major Abdul Rahmani, an Afghani pilot with whom Major Taylor worked, sent a letter to Major Taylor’s wife Jennie, describing the great impact Major Taylor had on his life. He said:

‘‘Your husband taught me to love my wife [Hamida] as an equal and treat my children as treasured gifts, to be a better father, to be a better husband, and to be a better man.’’

Major Taylor's wife Jennie Taylor was an honored guest at the State of the Union address.


S 98 Amendment to S 97 to provide for a classified annex to be submitted with the report on the cooperation of the United States and Israel with respect to countering unmanned aerial systems.



S 97 Amendment to S 1 to clarify the deadline for the reporting requirement relating to the establishment of a Jordan Enterprise Fund.



S 1, Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019

Passed 77-23.

Vote tally with names on page (S 852)

Text of bill on pages (S 852 - S 857)


S. 47, a bill to provide for the management of the natural resources of the United States and for other purposes.

Cloture motion passed 99-1, Senator Paul was the nay vote.


First reading:

S. 340. A bill to promote competition in the market for drugs and biological products by facilitating the timely entry of lower-cost generic and biosimilar versions of those drugs and biological products.


Some of the bills introduced:

S. 329. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to include fuel cells using electromechanical processes for purposes of the energy tax credit.


S. 330. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow charitable organizations to make statements relating to political campaigns if such statements are made in the ordinary course of carrying out its tax exempt purpose.


S. 335. A bill to require the Secretary of Commerce to ensure that ZTE Corporation complies with all probationary conditions set forth in the settlement agreement entered into between ZTE Corporation and the Bureau of Industry and Security of the Department of Commerce.


S. 338. A bill to amend the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 to require the development of ethics plans for certain transition teams, and for other purposes.

Anonymous ID: 136ede Feb. 7, 2019, 1:30 a.m. No.5064659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4666 >>4709 >>4825


Tuesday Feb 5 in Congress

page 2


Excerpts from Speeches


Representative Foxx, NC (pg H 1353)

Abortion and Infanticide are not Women's Healthcare: "Abortion advocates used to say they

wanted abortion to be safe, legal, and rare. Today, they want abortion to be free, casual, and for newborns.

It is distressing to see the new levels of disregard they hold for new human lives and how their language has fostered such numbness to the moral evil of abortion that there is now space in society to openly promote infanticide."

"…horrifying indicators of that attitude and the spreading culture of death."

"The Repeal Act would further ensure that the life of a child remains unseen by repealing ultrasound requirements and the State’s 24-hour waiting period before an abortion. It is as though society’s ‘‘ignorance is bliss’’ mentality is a requisite for abortion advocates’ agenda to strip unborn life of protection."

"In New York, an abortionist no longer need be a licensed physician, and if an abortion is not successful and the child is born alive, the law has an absolutely barbaric provision that ensures the child still dies."

"The RHA repeals section 4164 of New York’s public health law. That section required abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy be performed in a hospital and that abortions performed after 20 weeks have a separate physician ready to provide medical care for any infant born alive during the procedure.

This repealed section also protected children born after a botched abortion and required records to be kept of the infant’s medical treatment. Without section 4164, infants who survive in an attempt to kill them in the womb have no legal right to life and could be denied the care they need to live."

"Finally, in a culture where aborted babies are collateral damage in so-called women’s healthcare, we should all fear that, following unborn children and newborns, there will soon be new targets for disposal."


Representative Marshall, KS

Protect the Innocent Children: "as an obstetrician, I have delivered thousands of babies and helped moms through pregnancies for 25 years."

"The legalization of these late term procedures that amount to infanticide are the worst thing I have heard in my entire professional lifetime."

"I call on my obstetricians and other physicians who deliver babies. I call on the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and all physician associations to openly denounce and refuse these murderous procedures.

Legal or not, this is morally reprehensible."


Rep LaMalfa, CA (pg H 1354)

The Impact of Illegal Immigration on Families: "The murderer? An illegal immigrant from El Salvador who had been living in Carson City for over a year."

"But Gerald and Sharon were two of four people who this man, whose name I will not mention, shot dead in their homes over the course of a week. The other two victims were Connie Koontz and Sophia Renken, from Reno, Nevada."

"The human trafficking, we don’t talk about that enough, what is really happening to the people who are being brought across who do want to come seek something better in America but are subject to the coyotes who take advantage of them, extracting dollars from them and unspeakable things from the women whom they bring across the border and the kids."

Anonymous ID: 136ede Feb. 7, 2019, 1:34 a.m. No.5064666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4675 >>4709 >>4825


Tuesday Feb 5 in Congress

page 3


Rep Wilson, SC

Democracy for Venezuela: "I am grateful that President Donald Trump is supporting the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people."


"The people of Venezuela deserve to prosper. They are fortunate to hold the world’s largest supply of crude oil, but decades of socialist corruption and mismanagement, first under Hugo Chavez and then Nicolas Maduro, have impoverished Venezuela."


"Free and fair elections must be held. The people of Venezuela deserve freedom and democracy.

In conclusion, God bless our troops and we will never forget September the 11th in the global war on terrorism."


Senator McConnell (page S 841)

Senate Agenda: "We passed my amendment to Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act and voted to advance the bill, both by very wide bipartisan margins.

S. 1 represents the broad consensus of this body about our Nation’s responsibilities as an ally and a partner. It reaffirms our promise to uphold Israel’s security, to help Jordan face complex security challenges, and to hold Bashar al-Assad’s murderous henchmen accountable.

I look forward to the Senate voting on final passage soon and sending this bipartisan legislation over to the House."


State of the Union Address: "I am looking forward to attending and hearing the President reflect on the great strides our Nation has made over the past 2 years and his vision for the challenges that are still before us.

From historic tax reform and regulatory reform, to huge progress in the fight against ISIS, to landmark progress in the nationwide fight against opioid addiction, the story over the last 2 years has been one of immense policy progress for our country."


"After 8 years of watching leftwing policies disproportionately benefit coastal cities and our Nation’s largest metro areas while mostly leaving small cities, small towns, suburbs, and rural America behind the American people wanted a change."


"The last 2 years have seen the White House and the Congress work together to identify pressing national challenges and to develop big bipartisan compromise solutions to attack them head-on.

Working together, both parties collaborated on more than a dozen targeted measures to improve access to quality care for our Nation’s veterans and passed landmark legislation to help local communities heal the wounds created by opioid addiction."


"If the past few weeks have shown anything, it is that we need to work together across the aisle in order to do our work, and make no mistake, there are significant challenges ahead, such as addressing the ongoing security and humanitarian crisis at our southern border, lowering the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs, and taking further steps to rebuild America’s infrastructure."

Anonymous ID: 136ede Feb. 7, 2019, 1:36 a.m. No.5064675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4709 >>4710 >>4825


Tuesday Feb 5 in Congress

page 4


Senator Schumer (p S 842)

State of the Union: "As is tradition, the President will say that the state of our Union is strong, but the American people know the truth. Unfortunately, it is not. The American people know that the Trump economy is failing the middle class and those struggling to get there.

In Trump’s economy, multinational corporations and the already-wealthy were given a tax cut, while American workers were left behind. The Federal Reserve reports that over 40 percent of Americans would have trouble covering an emergency of just $400. Forty percent of working Americans, middle class Americans, are just one medical bill, one unexpected car accident, one missed paycheck away from financial uncertainty. The state of the Trump economy—failing the middle class."


"After 2 years of relentless sabotage by the Trump administration and congressional Republicans premiums are higher than they should be, copays are higher than they should be, and for the first time in 8 years, fewer Americans have health insurance than the year before. The state of the Trump healthcare system—failing the middle class."


"No administration has had as much Cabinet turnover as the Trump administration in over a century. Key positions are unfilled or uncovered or covered by individuals in an acting capacity … The state of the Trump administration—chaos."


"Our allies are alienated and criticized. Our adversaries are emboldened and praised. Dictators and strongmen are given license by this administration, while our NATO allies receive harsh words. American values—free speech, free elections, freedom of the press, humanitarian rights, civil rights—go undefended in the dark corners of the world. The state of the Trump foreign policy—woefully backward."


"he is withdrawing from Syria even though he promised we would continue the fight until ISIS is defeated. And by all reports, including our own intelligence, it is not."


"In previous State of the Union Addresses, he has thrown around promises and not fulfilled them more than any other President I know."


"the President’s false equivalence after Charlottesville, his attacks on the Federal judiciary, the free press, and the rule of law, or his near-daily twitter provocations. The blatant hypocrisy of this President calling for unity is that he is one of the chief reasons Americans feel so divided now."


Senator Thune:

S 130: "The legislation is simple. In the words of the bill, it finds:

If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws. Any infant born alive after an abortion . . . has the same claim to the protection of the law that would arise for any newborn."


"last night, Senate Democrats objected to the consideration of this bill. They objected to the consideration of legislation to protect babies who are born alive."


"the Democratic Governor of Virginia not only endorsed late-term abortions—abortions performed on babies old enough to survive outside of the mothers—he left open the door to infanticide. He left open the possibility of killing a baby born alive."


"Chuck Colson, the founder of Prison Fellowship, once noted: ‘‘A government cannot be truly just without affirming the intrinsic value of human life.’’"


"I think it is fair to say that pretty much every great injustice in human history sprang from a failure to affirm the intrinsic value of every human life—from a decision that certain individuals’ rights were not equal to those of others or that their life or liberty could be sacrificed for the greater good."

Anonymous ID: 136ede Feb. 7, 2019, 1:47 a.m. No.5064710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4716 >>4825


Tuesday Feb 5 in Congress

page 5


Senator Thune cont'd

The Economy: "When Republicans took office 2 years ago, the economy had been underperforming for years, and American families had been feeling the effects. … along with the President, we got right

to work, lifting excessive regulations.

In December 2017, we passed a historic, comprehensive reform of our Tax Code. We cut taxes for American families, doubled the child tax credit, and nearly doubled the standard deduction.

We lowered tax rates across the board for owners of small and medium-sized businesses, farms, and ranches. We lowered our Nation’s massive corporate tax rate, which previously was the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world. We expanded business owners’ ability to recover the cost of investments they make in their businesses, which frees up cash that they can invest in their operations and in their workers. And we brought the U.S. international tax system into the 21st century so that American businesses are not operating at a competitive disadvantage next to their foreign counterparts."


"Democrats want to reverse the policies that are producing economic growth. They want to undo the tax cuts that are creating jobs and opportunities for American workers, and they want to increase—increase—the tax burden of American families.

That is right. Democrats are currently advocating various proposals that would not only reverse the gains the economy has made but would severely damage economic growth for the long term. For example, there are the proposals to impose a government-run healthcare system, like the so-called Medicare for All plan, whose price tag is so staggeringly large—by one estimate, more than $32 trillion—that no one has even come close to figuring out how to pay for it. Doubling the amount of individual and corporate income tax collected would still not be enough to pay for the mammoth cost of this plan."


"Think about that. All of the revenue collected—income tax on the individual side and on the corporate side, double it—double it—and you still wouldn’t be able to pay for this massive, massive plan."


"The Vermont Senator’s government-run Medicare for All plan, which many of our colleagues on the other side of the aisle have cosponsored, would eliminate private sector insurance for millions of families who like the coverage they currently have."


"Then there is the so-called Green New Deal, which could raise families’ energy bills by more than $3,000 each year."


"Then there are the plain old tax bills that some of the Democrats are proposing to raise the top marginal tax rate to 70 percent or higher. House Democrats are also proposing to substantially increase business tax rates."


"It is staggering—staggering—that Democrats can look at all of the benefits that come from lowering the corporate rate and all of the positive effects it is having on the economy and workers and then turn around and propose a tax rate hike."


Senator Cornyn (p S 845)

State of the Union Address: "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act sought to solve a problem that had befuddled Congress for many years, whether they be Republicans or Democrats. The question was, How do we fix this outdated, archaic, and overly complicated Tax Code?

When President Trump signed this bill into law, it marked the first major overhaul of our Tax Code in 31 years.

Our reforms lowered rates all across the board, doubled the child tax credit, and incentivized U.S businesses with earnings abroad to bring that money back home and work here in America for the American people. We quickly saw a steady stream of headlines about businesses, big and small announcing, as I indicated earlier, bonuses, pay raises, new jobs, and other investments in their employees."


"Because of this legislation, middle class Americans are living more comfortably and the economy is booming.

If you don’t believe me, just look at the numbers. Since this legislation was passed, 3 million new jobs have been added in our country, wages are on the rise, and unemployment has hit a 50 year low. I read the other day that because of tight labor conditions, people with disabilities are reentering the workforce, and we have seen the lowest level of Hispanic and African-American unemployment ever."


"I should also mention that we confirmed 85 Federal judges, including two incredibly qualified Supreme Court Justices."

Anonymous ID: 136ede Feb. 7, 2019, 1:48 a.m. No.5064716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4720 >>4737 >>4825


Tuesday Feb 5 in Congress

page 6


Senator Kennedy (page S 846)

S 1: "I want to talk again for a few minutes about S. 1, which is sponsored by Senator Rubio.

As I have cautioned the last few times I spoke on the subject, nothing I say is meant to be construed as a criticism of Senator Rubio. There are some really good things in this bill, as the Presiding Officer knows."

"I like the fact that S. 1 reaffirms our commitment to protecting Israel. I think that is important. I think Israel is certainly our best friend in the Middle East and one of our best friends in the world. Some days I think Israel is our only friend in the world.

S. 1 is going to strengthen America’s bonds with Jordan, and I think that is very important. Jordan has been a key ally in fighting terrorism and, frankly, a key ally in helping us deal with the humanitarian catastrophe as a result of Assad and his butchering of his own people in Syria.

S. 1 is going to combat a radical economic warfare campaign against our friend Israel. That is long overdue. S. 1 is also going to create new sanctions on the Government of Syria. I support all of those. I intend to vote for S. 1, despite the fact that, in my opinion, there is a great deficiency with S. 1."

"I voted against Senator McConnell’s amendment not because I think he is wrong but because I just don’t know if he is right. I don’t think most Members of Congress know.

We have received such conflicting information, and I have asked Senator McConnell to hold a briefing for us—a classified briefing in which we bring over people who think we should get out and people who think we shouldn’t get out, and let us hear the facts and the informed opinions of people who know better than we do. Frankly, I would like to see us do the same thing with respect to Afghanistan."

"We have spent $6 trillion since 2001 in the Middle East."

"I am saying the same thing with respect to President Trump. I am not saying he is wrong about withdrawing from Syria; I am just saying I don’t know if he is right."

"The Senate can pass all of the bills and resolutions about the will of the Senate that it wants to, but if the President of the United States thinks it is best for the American people and the world to withdraw all troops from Syria, then my experience is, by God, he is going to do it."

"The problem I am talking about is the Syrian Kurds."

"Let’s just call it like it is. I mentioned that Israel has been a great ally, as well as Jordan. This bill is being sold as, well, this is to protect our allies in the Middle East, in part. What about the Syrian Kurds?

I think there are 50 or 60 million Kurds throughout the world. They are mostly in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Why aren’t the Kurds allowed to self-determine?

Even if the Kurds didn’t believe in democracy—and I think they do; they want sovereignty like we have, and they want to be able to self-determine—the truth is, we wouldn’t have beaten back ISIS without the help of the Syrian Kurds."

"A lot of our other friends said: Yeah, you go get them. You go fight. We will be glad to hold your coat while you fight. That was not the Syrian Kurds. They got in there with us.

The Syrian Kurds have enemies in this world. I am not making any accusations or disparaging comments about our friends in Turkey, but President Erdogan has been very vocal about how he feels about the Kurds, including, but not limited to, the Syrian Kurds. I worry about them if we leave.

I had an amendment that didn’t require—it didn’t require—anybody to do anything. It just said: Mr President, if we leave Syria, this will give you the authority to keep our friends, our allies, the Syrian Kurds, from being butchered, from being opened up like a soft peanut."

"Part of the moral component in our foreign policy is that we don’t leave our friends behind. That is what we are potentially doing with this bill.

It could have been easily fixed. It could have been fixed if the Senate had been allowed to be the U.S. Senate."

"it does bother me sometimes; it seems we are kind of like—it is almost Orwellian. We are all equal, but some of us are more equal than others, and I think that irks the American people. I think had we been able to offer amendments, we could have fixed that problem with the Syrian Kurds.

I hope I don’t have to come back and say told you so. I hope after we leave Syria—and I think the President is going to leave Syria—I hope the Syrian Kurds are just fine. I hope they are just fine. But if they are not, I hope we will not look back and say that we had a chance to protect our friends and do the right thing, but we didn’t do it.

I yield the floor."

Anonymous ID: 136ede Feb. 7, 2019, 1:50 a.m. No.5064720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4730 >>4825


Tuesday Feb 5 in Congress

page 7


Senator Paul (page S 848)

S 1: "our country was founded upon the concept and in the midst of a great boycott. At the time, we were boycotting British goods and, most specifically, British tea. There is likely nothing more American than to protest, to dissent, and to boycott."

"The sad thing today is that we will be debating whether or not to place limitations on the First Amendment right to boycott, and we will do it because the vast majority of this body disagrees with the concept of what the people are boycotting over."

"I am not particularly enamored with—in fact, I don’t favor—the boycott of Israel. I think Israel has been a good ally. Yet the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom to protest, and the freedom to boycott are fundamentally American."

"I have a short list here of a few different things that we have boycotted over, and they range, interestingly, on both sides of the coin. Most recently, people on the left who don’t like President Trump have boycotted Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand.

A year or two ago, Christians boycotted Disney over what they considered to be liberal movies or movies they didn’t appreciate because of the families depicted.

In North Carolina, liberals boycotted the North Carolina transgender bathroom law. People have boycotted Chick-fil-A because the CEO was opposed to same sex marriage.

The Dixie Chicks criticized George W. Bush, and they were boycotted.

It doesn’t matter whether you agree with any of these boycotts. Boycotts are speech. How could we possibly boycott someone’s speech? But that is what is going on."

"In Texas, there is a speech pathologist who has lost her job. She was working for the school system. She has been in this country 30 years. Her name is Bahia Amawai. She has been here 30 years. She is a U.S. citizen. She speaks three languages. She works with children with autism, disabilities, and speech impediments.

Her contract was not renewed because they told her she had to sign a pledge that she will not boycott Israel. She also had to sign a pledge that she would never do anything economically or refrain from any action—buying a product—with anyone who does business in Israel or does business in an area they call the Israeli-controlled territory.

There has been a dispute for 30 or 40 years over the West Bank, whether the Palestinians should have more autonomy, whether it should be a country, whether it should be a province of Israel, whether they should vote, whether they should not vote. This is a political debate.

This woman has an opinion that she doesn’t want to sign this pledge. She no longer works."

"if you are a teacher and you get a salary, is that still the government’s money after you have done your job and you have your paycheck?"

"This one is even worse. In Arkansas, the newspaper, the Arkansas Times, routinely takes ads. That is how newspapers make money. One of the groups that advertises with them is the State university. The State university will no longer advertise with this newspaper unless they fine them first or give them some kind of penalty. They will not advertise with them unless the newspaper signs a statement saying that they will not be critical of policies in Israel."

"The vast majority of the people here, like sheep, will fall all over themselves today to vote to try to limit your right to boycott."

"Can you imagine the State is putting into place laws that punish you for not buying something, for refusing to buy something from someone? It is galling. Will this be declared unconstitutional? Nobody knows for sure other than the men and women of the Supreme Court, but in NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware, eight to zero they said it was unconstitutional to ban or limit any boycott if that boycott is about speech or political views. Well, clearly that is what this is about—political views."

"I would say that I hope my colleagues will listen to the debate and that there will be a spirited debate on the First Amendment, but don’t hold your breath. You can see there is no one here other than me. They won’t listen. The hope is that the American people will listen and say: How did we vote to send people to Washington who are so careless with the Constitution that they are willing to vote to ban boycotting, that they are willing to vote for something that has already been struck down by two Federal district courts, something that has already been ruled on by the U.S. Supreme Court, and they are going to go ahead and vote anyway because they don’t like this particular boycott?"

"I think it has the opposite effect. I think it only encourages the protest."

Anonymous ID: 136ede Feb. 7, 2019, 1:53 a.m. No.5064730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4825


Tuesday Feb 5 in Congress

last page - page 8


Senator Peters (p S 850)

S 103: "In the Senate Armed Services Committee this morning, we heard from the Commander of U.S Central Command responsible for the Middle East, General Joseph Votel. He testified: Jordan is one of our most committed partners in the Middle East and one of the most critical voices of modern Islam in the region. We must be careful to not take this vital

partnership for granted."


"The legislation also includes the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act. This bill is named after a Syrian Army defector who exposed photographs of torture and execution by the Syrian regime. His photos are evidence of the war crimes and extensive human rights abuses committed by Bashar al-Assad.

The Caesar bill will impose sanctions on individuals who support Assad. These sanctions will limit the ability of the Assad government to attack innocent civilians."


"I believe there are serious questions about how this bill will impact the First Amendment rights of individuals who contract with State or local governments in a professional capacity but choose to boycott Israel in their personal capacity. These questions are even more complicated when the individual in question is a sole proprietor, a member of a small firm, or is receiving a small State contract."


"This amendment would not allow a State or local government to enforce measures to restrict contracting with firms of 10 or fewer employees, contracts with a value of $100,000 or less, or any contract with a sole proprietor. This amendment would clarify that it is not the intention of the bill to restrict the First Amendment right of any individual to protest—including through boycott—in their personal capacity."


"I ask unanimous consent…"


Senator Risch (p S 851)

Reply to Sent Peters: "This BDS provision is a really important provision, and I understand what he is attempting to do with the exemptions. I understand he is putting them in for the small businesses, but having said that, we really believe this should apply across the board. Once we start the exempting process, it is going to be very difficult to stop. So given that, I object."


Senator Peters

Continuing: "Ultimately, because of the many other critical provisions included in this bill related to foreign policy in the Middle East, I will support this bill today, but I also understand it is unlikely that the House of Representatives will address this bill in its current form.

I am sending a letter to the House of Representatives explaining my concerns with title IV, and I encourage them to adopt the provisions of my amendment that I attempted to put forward today."


Senator Stabenow

S 103: "To me, this is common sense. I am very disappointed that this will not be included in this bill. I will join Senator Peters in advocating in the House for this clarification and other changes that will make it very clear about an individual’s right to be able to have freedom of speech in all of its forms."


Senator Risch (p S851)

S 1: "Without a doubt, Israel is one of the best friends we have in the world. Certainly, in the neighborhood they live in, which is a very dangerous neighborhood, they need our help. We work with them very closely in many respects—in many national security respects, with people who aren’t out in the public realm and who will probably never be out in the public realm, but they are important for the security of Israel."


"It is just an excellent way to attempt to persuade Bashar al-Assad that he is going in a very wrong direction, hurting his people as he is."


"The Combating BDS Act of 2019 … it is designed to see that the BDS activity is tamped down and that it is not appropriate to use against our friend Israel."


S 1 appears in entirety as passed on pages (S 852 to S 857)

Anonymous ID: 136ede Feb. 7, 2019, 2 a.m. No.5064749   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes this is my misgiving about withdrawing.

The news we see about the Kurds being fighters and forming their free state is real.

Says a friend who has spent a lot of time there.