I'll be so happy when the wall is built that I won't realize whites are being genocided through legal immigration. The only recourse then, if I happen to notice, is calling for the preservation of the society and culture of the Europeans who built this country. This will fail because whites are the only race not allowed to be proud of their culture and achievements, per zion's mandate. I'm so glad Trump is worried about hoax synagogue shootings.
Yeah, but convincing the many whites who have been tricked into hating their own race is another matter. Regardless we'll be flooded into minority status. Maybe one day there will be more synagogues and mosques in the U.S. than churches. Then Trump can reflect on the success of his promises made promises kept
It's both. And the immigration reinforces progressive racial ideas. Progressives embrace all the ideology, including multiculturalism, abortion, gay parents adopting. This, along with immigration, strains resources, making it harder for traditional couples to be financially stable and find security within society. Amidst the turmoil, immigrants are imported on our tax dollars to take our jobs and so forth.
Nobody seems to realize that after this blackface thing, negroes are still free to publicly hate whitey while the non-pc crowd suddenly became pc because they used the blackface as ammo against the dems. Now we can't hurl justified criticism at jews or blacks because of hoax synagogue shootings and dems blackface. Not a bad SOTU week for the CIA. They accomplished a lot.
That's why Feinstein was absent
We never hear where it all goes. I don't think they haul 17 tons of cocaine into a courtroom. So they could take some pics and dump it overboard at sea. But they're always unloading it at a dock.
It wouldn't harm the ocean at all
They paid her for her seat
I'm not being negative, I'm stating reality. Trump talked for 20 mins about a false flag synagogue shooting orchestrated by the jews. And the whole capitol crowd was moved with empathy along with millions of Americans.
Trump in 2016- I think the problem Megan is that poeple are too politically correct. I don't have time for thatโฆ.
Trump now- Antisemitism is a terrible thing. Meanwhile he knows the kikes staged it all.
Wait until the legislation passes. Also, we can criticize them here, but social media will ban you and mainstream society will condemn you if you do it in those spheres. Clearly Trump isn't trying to redpill the public and he's making it harder for us to do it
You don't put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it.
Deprogramming angle- pay minimal lip service to jews while redpills gradually drop
Put out the fire with explosives- Trump exposes the synagogue shooting as a hoax
Make the fire worse with gasoline- spend the most time in the SOTU address coddling jews and condemning truthers
Bullshit. That isn't the angle, and it wouldn't work in a societal context like it would in a chemical reaction in a fire.
Look at the Free Iran banner at the top of the board. The jews are salivating
That's like the teacher giving you a sad face on your paper in 1st grade.
I doubt it. He's not clearing the antisemitism deadwood. His praise of Israel goes way back, and then there's Kushner. He seems genuinely happy around jews too.