hopefully twatter is smothered with this. I feel great joy every time I see this posted.
You must have not been here during the whole fuck trump episode.
he is the dumb ass that went down and had a meeting with him. Talk about way over the top stupid. Something about careful who you associate with is a pretty common sense approach to life youd think. Especially when it comes to a fuckin drug kingpin.
yup. evil has no friends only convenient associates.
yup. Im not genious but when Denero said fuck trump the very first thought that went through my mind was this very day. Wow that was about a year ago already..
wow that woman has no idea that one of the highest priestesses of satan just showed a light down her eyeball. Food for thought anyway.
its all propaganda to keep the races divided.
Oh was it in June? I thought it was like feb or march of last year. muh bad. I dont really give a fuck about hollywood bullshit really.
Id like to have that as a painting on one of my walls.
she literally looks like a little 12 year old girl that thinks she got the best of you in some irritating argument in that picture.
they own the drug lords.
hahahaha fukin kek
Oh we have all been there. Ive been negative, then positive, then negative again. But the denero news. Thats the kinda shit that keeps me coming back to this place. Cheered me up today.
you could be right. some bakers today were reluctant to bake it, but Ill take it, just feels good reading it.
yup then he can tattoo fuck trump on the end of his pedo cock so his jail buddies can read that statement every night before lights out.
I was gonna say Id like to catch those fish, that would be one hell of a fight reeeling them fish in.
its enough for me fren. Ill take it.
your post just listed all the biggest drug kingpins in the world.
no shit. then go get a female doctor and shut the fuck up cunt. will this shit ever end?
prolly not
I dont see where people get that out of this picture. She is taunting him over something. Havent you ever had a young girl try to taunt you over some irritating argument that you really dont give a fuck who wins?
yea and why the fuck do people think the government is supposed to protect us. Where in the actuall fuck did that even come from in a free society? When a government is protecting you, You best be watching the fuck out.
everything is uncomfortable for women these days ffs And if she was being reasonable, then why write the fuckin article in the first place?
then fuckin do it! my god am I glad im not a doctor. Holy shit.
I wouldnt call you crazy one damned bit.
Not sure about fun but anyone of us that been around for more than a year are now grey, burnt, crazy, fucked in the head, and just plain worn the fuck out.
its their religious beliefs. They believe in their religion every bit as much as any christian believes in god. its that simple.
not for me. just a matter of seeing this shit through. Once your in, you cant ever leave.
well all I can say is its been one hell of an emotional fucked up ride for me. Ive been pissed, sad, angry, burnt, fell off the wagon a few times, for a while I was banned, then let back in, then crazy, then lather rinse, repeat. nonetheless, im seeing this shit through to the end. Ive long surpassed the point of no return, that was a different lifetime ago.
oh fuck man. Im nothing like I was a year ago. Complete differnet kinda me. not sure if Im the better version or what, but yea before I got myself involved in this I was way different.
they certainly do have it down to a science dont they.
yea but its pretty powerful. They got the minds of millions in the palm of their hands.
Not sure if they would want to hire my ass. IM a crazy motherfucker now.
very very true my fren.
dude they dont even know who we are. for one thing I run my network on a burner phone so even if Q traced my IP he wound wind up at a dead end burner phone. And Im not the only IT guy in here that does that shit.
absolutely fren. I love being crazy now. people stay the fuck away and leave you alone.
thanks fren
I had just quit my job to help my old man die of cancer when I first got into this, so I was destined to change anyway. not sure if im a shadow of myself, but I know I have changed. Hell even my half brother actually calls to check on my ass, which aint normal. Different, new, I dunno. I do no Ill never be the same. Im not complaining. In a way this and many people I met in here helpd me get past the death of my old man. I know that Q has broken my ass down and made me rebuild myself all over from scratch. And as much as I thought I knew about all this stuff over a year ago, I didnt know shit. Not sure where Im headed after this is over, though I doubt it ever will be over, but I cant bring myself to go back to work in a coporate envirnoment. I cant handle it. Ive been an uber driver for the past year, just because I simply cant go back to the whole career thing again. Even if Im poor for the rest of my life, I just cant seem to want to work for any one. I surrounded by sheeple. And I dont feel comfortable being around them anymore.
lol thanks I guess.
Oh im well aware of thet fren. Im only comfortable around the chans. many of the folks Ive met in here Im certian id die for without a second thought.
if Q wants to send my ass to space, then thats prolly where Id be best lmao. I think most of us in here at this point would walk right into a rocket ready for launch at first notice. thats pretty much what we have done anyway. lol
I kinda believe you. I think we may have won at least in this point in history, but the pendulum swings and the fight of good and evil wont stop until God gets sick of it and finally steps in.
I wound kind of have to agree. I mean I never really liked Trump as a rich dude. But as potus he put his shit on the line. so I guess I would have no other choice but to follow you on that one anon.
just like children without parents around to make them behave.
yea I prioritized my life. Im not interested in money or shit like that anymore. Im just interested in happiness. And if somehow in a round about way if we saved even one little child from trafficking, Im good for the rest of my life man.
thank you and welcome. Sorry for your loss as well. Hang in there. If you were as close as I was with your old man it dont get easier, but at least he died before you did. Parents dont need to out live their kids. I will prey for your old man. I dont really have any advice. Only plow forward, and dont look back.
depends on the kind of depression. But everyone has to come to a self realization, either pick your ass the fuck up and plow onward or give up and die.
yup. I dont know my altitude. I only know im just goin with it. I aint on the side of evil, so I just keep putting one foot int front of the other. fuck it.
oh no kidding. If I did something wrong and he was prosecuting me, Id give up right then and there. like having samual jackson rippin into your ass.
id join the space force. send my ass the fuck up there. Ill crawl around and troubleshoot everyone's network and fix their copiers or 3d printers.
they do check your facebook now anon. So if you have a facebook and been applying they looked at it. if your desperate and live a a somewhat big city, try uber. doesnt really pay shit but keeps the money coming in. course I dont have kids either so.
Oh fuck that. I dont wanna be no damned jounalist. Had enough of that shit.
lol advanced kek. thats pretty funny.
yea im still reading your twitter. some of it I know but I need to sleep and go back through it tomorrow. thank you for that link. I will go through it tomorrow. I appreciate your hard work anon. I havent done shit lately. I just came back after a break. plus I thought I was still banned. not sure who unbanned me but it is what it is. Your work is much appreciated.
I have never met a man that hasnt said something like that in confidence to another man. and any man that says he never said that to another man is lying or gay. Trump said what he said like any man has. The guy that turned over that tape is a bitch.
no I was banned in here. lol try that one.prolly the hardest board to get banned on and yup I did it. I got into it with some nazis and it got pretted heated. lol.
me too. its a mans code. not to mention that women do the same shit in confidence to each other as well.
do your thing, but DONT go into debt to start your own business. start small and slowly work up. Going into debt to start a business is a very very bad idea. Once in a while I listen to the dave ramsey show. he is a financial dude that tells it like it is.
I simply have no problem with that comment. There is nothing wrong with it. Like I say women do the same thing. Women have dirtier minds than men, they are just more discreet about it.
dont get me wrong though. I wouldnt doubt that the kabal would insist on something like that, but hell all people say bad things in confidence. Its called being a human being. Now if trump said im gonna eat babies, thats a bit different.
agreed. I live out west and we tend to go out in the woods and camp fish drink, and do all kinds of crazy shit. What trump said is angelic compared to our old days out by the campfire. LMAO.
LMAO your an ass. but your good at it so.
wow its 4 in the morning for me. this anon must sleep. Night all. god bless and its always an honor to be in the presence of good men.