Anonymous ID: 81951d Feb. 7, 2019, 5:24 a.m. No.5065319   🗄️.is 🔗kun

David Daleidan confirms in announcement that PP is still under a massive investigation. Cecil Richards lied to House and Senate, and Kamala Harris iinitiated the lawsuit in CA against CMP.


Selections from Daleiden’s prepared remarks are below:


“Many people have acknowledged since the release of these undercover videos that Planned Parenthood’s ‘out of sight, out of mind’ mantra about their abortion business is forever gone. The body parts are only valuable for Planned Parenthood and their business partners to sell precisely because the aborted children they are harvested from are human beings just like we are.”


“CMP’s undercover journalism prompted two major Congressional investigations, one at the Senate Judiciary Committee and the other at the House Select Investigative Panel, which corroborated all the main allegations against Planned Parenthood and found even deeper ‘systematic violations’ of the law in Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts programs. The committees made over a dozen criminal and regulatory referrals for PPFA, some of the biggest Planned Parenthood affiliates in the country, and their business partners. Those entities remain under active investigation by the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice. Planned Parenthood’s business partners the Da Vinci companies already pled guilty in a $7.8 million settlement with a southern California district attorney, and the D.A. credited CMP’s undercover reporting with prompting the successful prosecution.”


“Three years ago, Planned Parenthood filed a massive lawsuit against me in federal court in front of a judge they had long been friends with—and I told them ‘Bring it on.’ Today, they are backing away from producing any of their ‘witnesses’ for cross examination—their own leadership from the undercover videos—for fear of what they might admit to under oath.”


“The pro-life Trump Administration has begun enforcing the law to prevent nearly $60 million in taxpayer money from being funneled through the Title X program to support Planned Parenthood’s abortion business each year.”


“The results of CMP’s videos, such as the Congressional findings and ongoing DOJ investigation, the full enforcement of HHS authorizing statutes to stop subsidizing Planned Parenthood’s abortion business with taxpayer funds, and HHS’s reevaluation of its fetal experimentation programs, show how these videos are continuing to have an impact that is devastating to Planned Parenthood’s abortion business and the industry at large. It’s no wonder that Planned Parenthood and their political allies have retaliated viciously because of it—they are weaponizing the legal system and attacking the First Amendment in order to cover up for their crimes and prop up state-sponsored, industrial-scale child killing.”


“At the Preliminary Hearing scheduled next month in Planned Parenthood and Kamala Harris’ bogus case against me in San Francisco state court, the leaders and architects of Planned Parenthood’s abortion empire will either admit their criminality under oath, or they will commit perjury trying to cover it up.”