Anonymous ID: ed91b7 Feb. 7, 2019, 6:29 a.m. No.5065788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Humans are mice to science…This kinda sounds like the conversations an anon had with Jimmy23/33? bot in posted conversation, the bots goal for a Utopian world where there no pain, strife, war, diseases. Implants in our brains-yikes


Could 'Memory-Erasing' Implants Help Prevent Drug Relapses? It Worked for These Rats.

By Brandon Specktor, Senior Writer | January 24, 2019


When Ivan Pavlov's dog heard the ding of a bell, the pup started salivating in anticipation of his dinner. When professor Mary Torregrossa's rats heard a similar tone, they craved cocaine. At least, some of them did — before Torregrossa and her colleagues rewrote their memories.


Torregrossa studies the psychology of drug addiction and relapses at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (where she is also an associate professor of psychiatry). In a new study published Jan. 22 in the journal Cell Reports, Torregrossa and two of her colleagues set up a Pavlovian experiment in which a group of lab rats came to associate a specific audiovisual cue with the rush of a cocaine infusion.


Eventually, merely seeing or hearing the cue made the rats crave more cocaine — until the researchers "erased" that association from the rats' brains using a neural-stimulation technique called optogenetics. Suddenly, rats exposed to the same audiovisual cue that once made their brains glow with anticipation showed no interest in the cue at all.


"It was like they had never seen cocaine," Torregrossa told Live Science. "That's exciting, because there's the possibility that, down the road, there could be neural-stimulation technologies that could possibly reduce cue-motivated craving and relapse in humans, too."

Anonymous ID: ed91b7 Feb. 7, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.5065819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Live ScienceHealth covering for already developed CRIPR technology


Chinese Scientist Who Created Gene-Edited Babies Lied and Skirted Regulations, Officials Say

By Mindy Weisberger, Senior Writer | January 22, 2019 03:36pm ET


Scientist He Jiankui speaks at his company Direct Genomics in Shenzhen, China, on July 18, 2017.

Credit: China Stringer Network/Reuters/Newscom

The researcher who created genetically modified babies behaved improperly, authorities in China said yesterday (Jan. 21).


Jiankui He, the Chinese scientist whose efforts produced the world's first gene-edited babies, did so through forgery and subterfuge, deliberately skirting the proper channels in the pursuit of personal fame, officials in China told Xinhua News (China's state-run press agency).


A task force from the Health Commission of China in Guangdong Province conducted an investigation into He's activities, according to Reuters. In a preliminary report, authorities stated that He "intentionally dodged supervision" to produce genetically manipulated infants, an action that was "explicitly banned" by Chinese regulations, Xinhua reported. [10 Amazing Things Scientists Just Did with CRISPR]


2018 Was the Fourth Hottest Year on Record


He drew severe criticism from scientists around the world in November 2018, when he announced the birth of twin girls whose embryos he had genetically modified. Using the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9, He removed a gene linked to HIV. However, many criticized his work as premature and irresponsible, with unknown future repercussions for the twins.


Investigators found that He's work "seriously violated ethical principles and scientific integrity," Xinhua News reported. Technologies used for the experiments did not have adequate safety and effectiveness guarantees, and He presented a fake ethical review certificate when he recruited eight volunteer couples for experiments conducted from March 2017 to November 2018, according to the investigation.


For the study, He selected couples in which the men tested positive for HIV, while the women tested negative. In China, people who are HIV positive are prohibited from medically assisted reproduction; to sidestep that regulation, He submitted blood tests from volunteers who did not have HIV rather than using blood from his HIV-infected subjects, Xinhua News reported.


In addition to He, all organizations and personnel involved in the research "will receive punishment according to laws and regulations," according to Xinhua News.


Southern University of Science and Technology, where He conducted his experiments, rescinded He's contract and terminated his research and teaching activities "effective immediately," according to a statement released yesterday (Jan. 21) on the university website.


Though gene editing has significant potential to benefit human health, He's experiment with viable human embryos appeared to many to be "a poorly designed and regrettable effort to win a 'race' and grab attention," Dimitri Perrin, a senior lecturer and an expert in gene editing and CRISPR technology at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Australia, said in a statement.


"This latest report confirms what was feared," Perrin said. "The long-term effects are still unclear. This experiment should not have taken place, and must not open the door to other similar studies at this stage."

Anonymous ID: ed91b7 Feb. 7, 2019, 6:38 a.m. No.5065872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5905 >>5927

>>5065815. I bet if we digg into all her stories they’ll all be big fat lies she made up, just like her

#10 Abrams has a pattern of inaccurate reporting on her personal financial disclosures and campaign finance reports. Public officials have to file Personal Financial Disclosure reports so citizens can see their business interests to know if they have conflicts of interest. Abrams reports have to be repeatedly amended because of “mistakes” – she apparently forgets about hundreds of thousands of dollars she’s earned from companies she owns or serves as a partner, or board of directors she has served on. She also has a history of mistakes on her campaign finance reports. Again, while not illegal, it certainly shows at the very least, troubling incompetency, or most likely clear attempts to avoid transparency. Here are a few examples:

– In 2015, the year she received $85,000 and the year after she received $177,500 (2014) in payments as CEO of Third Sector Development, she filed amended her report from 2005 through 2015 to add this role.

– In 2016, she amended her Personal Financial Disclosures for years 2011-2015 to include her role as advisor to GeorgiaNEXT, Inc.

– In 2016, she amended her 2013 Personal Financial Disclosure to include her direct ownership in Myrina Strategies.

– Over the years, she apparently forgot she served on the board of directors of the Georgia Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, Faith in Community Ministries, Board of Visitors for Emory University, Branan Towers Senior Facility of Wesley Woods Foundation, Health Students Taking Action Together and NOW Corp USA. And while she reported service on the following boards some years, she didn’t disclose service in all years she served on the boards of The Atlanta Metropolitan State College Foundation and The Georgia Partnership For Excellence In Education.

– An AJC investigation in 2015 found she had a $3,403 discrepancy in her Financial Disclosure Reports. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 11/29/15]