Anonymous ID: 12e308 March 1, 2019, 7:29 p.m. No.5458084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8276 >>2330


in re: the courthouse fires and the leases Springmeier I think is spot on with connecting the dots but his conclusions are up for question. Here's what I mean: recently while digging I discovered a book from the late 1990s (the last days of dialup and bbs if anyone remembers those). I knew I wanted a copy when I saw the few used copies for sale on Amazon priced in the upper hundred dollar range. Not small batch publication, more like a case of easy to "lose" due to the time of publication being on the cusp of hardcovers beginning to lose favor to other editions of print (pdf, etc) and the rise of new demands for no printed formats requiring cost-prohibitive technology (at the time) for publishing runs in efile formats. I intend to link back to the post where I dropped it here in case any want to have a look after what I am about to mention in summary form from memory.


The author of that book ended up digging and in the process unknowingly discovered proof of the cabals existence. She had been a personal assistant for an executive prior to the research and author process. She had reason to trace titles and transfers of ownership of various assets and estates, which back in the 1990s required way more gumshoe and shoeleather than our efforts at digging today. travel arrangements, per diem costs, incidentals , etc… we're not optional but mandatory as most primary evidence existed in printed archival form often in county courthouse all over the country. And all over she did go following this trail. Like Springmeier and we ourselves, she found d the peysuer links, Rockefellers, Rothschild's, the 99 year leases, railroads and estates entrusted in the hands of others, and the rash of courthouse fires. so same dots we connect here and Springmeier connects on his, but she found before Springmeier and before we here; without much help; or knowledge of what she was setting out to find. Her conclusion was that these courthouse fires occured during the early part of the reconstruction era and primarily south of Mason-Dixon. Her conclusion (apologies for not recollecting the rationale that leads her to conclude this) is that one of the trustees had found a way to take estate from P for themselves as burnt courthouses entailed to nonexistent proof of actual ownership / title P point to, and they in turn would gain benefit from the more about "possession being 9/10ths of the law". skipping forward for brevity and candor in what I do recall from the read, P responded with the campaign of repossessing assets and estates that had been entrusted with others, and once in control of them, a project of consolidation and further obfuscation began leading to much of PS ownings falling under the umbrella of only a handful of pocket conglomerates (my term had to coin it just now). the final result was all of PS wealth coming under the umbrella of railroad company's. 1 in particular that I can't recall.


an aside for my interpretation of her account: it seems P was motivated by the threat of further betrayal, so obviously while most times when firms rationalize and consolidate, it is to grow market share for the parent company in additional sectors, simultaneous diversification and growth (bloat)In this case P was more than likely seeking a manageable way to make the vast wealth of estates 1, manageable 2, portable so that at least until he could sort friend from for in his own house, the family itself could reasonable oversea the day to day requirements involved, without drawing attention through the very act of mergers and acquisitions necessitated given the circumstances (M&As draw attention).


back to recalling her writeup, even in the 1990s the estates remained under control of an under the radar railway form and the leases were expiring on those that were still under such arrangements. she extrapolated and wondered in her conclusion whether the lease expirations would coincide with a resurfacing of the P clan and possible public resurfacing of the true nature of the Peysuers.


link back in this bread to where I posted the pdf.

woman's name Alex Christopher

book Pandora's Box


Anonymous ID: 12e308 March 1, 2019, 7:43 p.m. No.5458276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9222


while tracking back to that drop I saw where just prior I had dropped obit, burial record (?) of a lady Peysuer that resides 6 feet under in the main cemetery in Birmingham. I actually know the caretaker (small world) if that's ever useful later down the road for anyone.

it was Iola, of daughter of Lewis Cass Peysuer, and (to get to the reason I am re-dropping this from earlier in this bread) wife to Gatling inventor of namesake artillery weapon. An anon just a few nights ago in this bake had alluded to Peyseur -Gatling connection.



Anonymous ID: 12e308 March 1, 2019, 8:56 p.m. No.5459222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9569 >>4858


last one. 1st hit searching iolas daughters.


scanning briefly enough jumped forward to want to report back


in attached pic, I highlighted passage which places Lewis Cass Peysuer as residing in Birmingham elite(ist) suberb of Mt. Brook during his granddaughters childhood circa the 1920s. that may damn well explain much of the occult ties to the city's history right there. The industrial grade Masonic hand silently bound to that city's story. it definitely explains the discovery I recently learned of that their was a theosophy society chapter in the city corca 20s 30s (blavatsky still alive at time). finally in her obit it mentions her father leaving for prolonged expeditions to Latin America prior to moving the whole family that way. They lived in Lat. Am for most of the 1930s. This is relevant to giving evidence to the assertion that the long that GAALT is indeed tied to the Peyseur clan. This is relevant due to 2 prior matters this clears up. 1, what information on the company owning GAALT speaks of it's owners being from a family that can trace itself back centuries in the new world. the company's bio (now all that exists as I understand) never names the family, but does mention 2 mains office (a) carolinas, and (b) Birmingham. Peysuer now positively connected to each locale. Also, Inventor (person named on original patent application ) ended in an ambassador type role during trips to Latin Am. ostensibly to forge eeconomic ties with cities down there. So P got the IP from the patent and all related benefits. In exchange the inventor got first crack / vip priority in opportunities or when 3115 related to arrangetnsarise from arrangements and markets to

opening envoy arrangements-p

Anonymous ID: 12e308 March 1, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.5459569   🗄️.is 🔗kun


forgive me, long week anons. Her Husband Invented GAALT if a Peyseur took control of it, she did so directly.

Anonymous ID: 12e308 March 2, 2019, 3:29 p.m. No.5470341   🗄️.is 🔗kun


for your consideration…. an intergenerational plot to get on top and thin out the bottom. unless something something ethnic / racial purity issues were baked in would it not be wise to have a descendants or three that look a little different given the way genetics ensure progeny favors the parent physically? I am just working through whether this is a dig worth having. Condee from Birmingham, city of black (prince Paul?) and Scottish /York rite Mason's all together like den of snakes. Whispers of Will Ferrell being Satanist. if he is, it's the in your face to laugh at you kind… see here


so with that there's this


let me know any thoughts… it might be nothing. Ferrell wasn't born Satanist, we don't know when he converted, and sometimes a joke is just a joke.

Anonymous ID: 12e308 March 2, 2019, 3:33 p.m. No.5470405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0531


I guess I will have to use a name just so you know I am one person to lessen confusion. I did the drops on the vietnamese in Latin Am., the Birmingham stuff, the Alice Carroll book, and if it's along between New Orleans and mobile that's me too. 1 person. sorry Thomas. -anonanandasattva

Anonymous ID: 12e308 March 2, 2019, 10:21 p.m. No.5477356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9427


first. my mistake that is not her website. it is a write up she made.


I've been looking a bit into her, trying to see if she had or has a website and its funny… I can find transcripts from the mid to late 1990s of her being interviewed and what not. if you see what I said above about the 1990s being an odd transitionary period, I think this is further indication that she was disappeared or something related. this is the period where if people started blowing whistles decisions were made. Springmeier was taught punishment through prison. It night have been something else for this lady. beyond transcripts and references to the book, no mentions of her dying, appearing, getting married, nothing .


Thomas to an earlier point apparently reading through the interviews, she is a Floridian.


last, and this is what compelled me to come back here, we have a means to check her work and cross-corroborate new unlock from Q from a prior crumb drop.



The "Chair" serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

P = C.



well tonight I find this


Payseurs Revisited

by Anna von Reitz


"I have been bombarded with people all alarmed about the "Payseurs" – the legendary 'family of' supposedly; but, as I already explained, "Payseurs" is not a name, it is a title: Purser, or Paymaster. And in this case, the Pursers in question are the Paymasters of the French Army. A Hereditary Office under the system of Bastardy within the "Holy" "Roman" "Empire".


remember I said she wrote this in the mid 1990s, well pulication year was 1993. in intro she claims research began in 1988. with that said I copypasta from same site above who in turn lifted it from the document circa page 173


>. According to Desmond Leslie, George Adamski had an audience with Pope John just a few days before the Pope's death. Adamski stated that he had been instructed to go to the Vatican according to the space people's instructions which were given to him by a contact, and that the space brother had taken care of all the necessary arrangement. When he arrived, Adamski had been taken straight in, given a cassock and led to the Pope's bedside. It was said that Pope John's face had beamed when he received the package and said, "This is what I have been wailing for." The Pope then presented Adamski with a very special medal and the papal audience ended. If all of this is true, this last little part of this chapter ties together very neatly the Catholic Church's covert operation and secrets it has been hiding for a very long time and who are the ones really pulling the strings. If the lUuminati is a front for the Catholic Church and is behind every world power that is on the brink of overthrowing the people of the world to put them into submission and subservience. 


President Richard Nixon sealed the records in the National Archives and the Library of congress for 50 years so that the good people of the United States might not know the truth of their ownership. If you are really good at digging out state and federal records, you can find them in a southern court house probated under the last will and testament of Lewis Cass Payseur, Estate number 12317. 


The Hidden Records You will not find "Payseur" in the history of Jefferson County or Birmingham, because the name was well hidden from the public because the "covenant" is to supply the communications for the President of the United States forever as the United States Military Railroad systems and for hire to the general Public for profit. The Wolves Now you know something about why the wolves were pushed back so the railroads could be manufactured to span the United States from Birmingham, Alabama. Others will bring you forward with the history of Jefferson County as to other areas of development.



WOLVES (Bush's codename)

Bham (see above)

An estate #

gotta run… will have more whe I get the chance!