Anonymous ID: 593368 April 4, 2019, 12:42 a.m. No.6042784   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> This is such a such a crushing news for me anon.


Me too. I've been giving Q/POTUS the benefit of the doubt like many other anons. But the 5D chess game argument is sounding too much like "the ends justify the means". My forbearance is stretched to the breaking point now.


I was listening to Kelley Ann Conway giving reporters a verbal beating over Russiagate, but was dismayed when a reporter challenged her by comparing Golan to Crimea. Her response sounded hypocritical, although I think she believed what she was saying, she is so loyal to POTUS.

Anonymous ID: 593368 April 4, 2019, 2:59 a.m. No.6043197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3877 >>6742

Anons, excellent thread you've made here. Are you open to channeled information? I haven't found any here; it's mostly hard, factual research you've done. I have a scientific background but I've spent recent decades seeking a broader perspective than that provided by conventional science alone, including metaphysics and spirituality. I'd like to share some of that perspective here, if only to hint about directions for further digging. Otherwise, perhaps you could recommend another thread.

Anonymous ID: 593368 April 4, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.6048349   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> I had so much hope in this, mostly to see the WWG1WGA mutate into becoming universalism while still preserving it’s nationalism flavor.


Greetings Thomas Anon,


I am new here and haven't read all the older posts yet but I did read your most recent posts, which I appreciate. You covered several topics; one that has been on my mind too is the nationalism/universalism dichotomy. I see indications that anons understand the universal aspect. For example, some anons track the number of country-based threads and make a point of welcoming newcomers. I think the latest count is 14 countries/regions represented. Q also recognizes the worldwide aspect of this movement, using the code WW. For example "United We Stand (WW)." or "Millions of Patriots WW! #Winning." So, I am hopeful.


Nationalism does need to be emphasized now to counter the cabal's globalist agenda, but without losing site of the goal of a unified humanity. The cabals version of globalism is homogeneity. It would be like an orchestra with only one type of instrument all playing in unison (easier to control) vs. an orchestra with many types of instruments playing together in harmony with the conductor facilitating cooperation rather than commanding obedience.


It is natural, on every scale, for cohesive groupings to form, all the way from atoms to galaxies. One reason for this is that full interconnectivity is not possible for 3-D forms as the number of members of a group increases beyond a certain point — thus the formation of specialized organs within a body, for example. At a deeper level, each cohesive group has an identity which is the imprint of oneness on creation.


In the case of human society, humans naturally form into tribes that reflect the ability of humans to maintain meaningful relationships. The number depends on the purpose of the group and the degree of commitment of the members to each other and to the purpose. But humans are not able to maintain relationships with more than about 150 people at a time, and then only if there is strong cohesion. Such tribes then form connections with other groups: diplomacy, trade, alliances, etc.


So, human society naturally forms a hierarchy beginning with the fundamental family unit, to neighborhood or village, then town or city, then state or region, then country. The next step in our evolution calls for cohesion at the planetary level, which has never occurred before. When achieved it will be the body of humanity, with all its organs and cells and molecules and atoms, able to speak with one voice when needed. This is what the cabal fears most: humanity achieving an emergent, self-organized harmony rather than a dictated unison. And so it targets every level of cohesion starting with the family.


We live in a time when humanity has an opportunity to choose who we are, what we stand for and what we believe in. Will we decide that we are, collectively, service-to-other, service-to-self or of unity consciousness? Will we decide if our path is technological, religious or spiritual? Until now, such things have been decided for us. The cabal's time is ending. Our time is at hand.

Anonymous ID: 593368 April 5, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6056742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2445 >>1663


Absent objections, I will share some insights gleaned from esoteric sources pertaining to the NWO.


First, a disclaimer: all sources of external information begin the same for me, the equivalent of a sequence of 1's and 0's, raw data. I don't give preference to any particular source of information, nor do I rule out any. This incoming data is then filtered rationally (which includes correlation with experience) and tested intuitively for the ring of truth. So, anything I write is my truth only and a provisional truth at that.


The cabal, long used to always getting its way, suffered back-to-back unexpected defeats: first Brexit then Trump. Their total confidence in their ability to determine the course of events through deception, bribery, intimidation and propaganda has been shattered. On one level because of the Internet, on another level because of the great awakening of human consciousness, which the Internet is symbolic of.


A word on Trump. He is flawed, like the rest of us, but most importantly he did not willingly submit to the control of the cabal, unlike his opponent who was beholden to the cabal. So, disaster was averted because Clinton would have started WWIII against the cabal's old adversary, Russia (controlled by another bloodline). It already tried to destroy Russia with Bolshevism and failed. Now Russia is leading the way back to sound money along with its new ally, China, which undermines the cabal's main mechanism of control, central bank issued fiat currency. And Russia, after watching what happened in Libya, said "no more" and is thwarting the will of the cabal in Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela and elsewhere along with its main ally with their growing military and financial strength to back them. They have joined forces because the Western cabal was aggressively moving toward world domination seemingly at any cost, as if crazed.


The tide of history has decidedly turned against the cabal. This was inevitable, sooner or later, because there are cosmic forces at work which have shifted the balance, as Q says, from Darkness to Light. But as if the two recent major defeats of the cabal were not enough, it has more recently been dealt a fatal blow, and this is the main news I wish to share.


In Q drop #133, Q gives a 40,000 ft. view of global control. He states: "Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. " The Eye has not been mentioned since. In post a few hours later, Q states that altitude is decreasing to decrease the risk of conspiracy theory attacks.


What is this "Eye"? Q says "Many governments of the world feed the 'Eye'", then, "Eye of Providence. Follow the bloodlines." The Eye of Providence is also known as the All Seeing Eye, the one found at the top of the pyramid on the US dollar note. This was a individual who was invisible and nameless, controlling the cabal bloodlines from the shadows. He had lived for a very long time, having perfected very dark life prolonging techniques, including blood sacrifice, hence his association with the color red. He did not share the entirety of his knowledge with anyone else, believing that he would be usurped if he did so, as is the rule in the service-to-self consciousness. So, he left no heirs.


About a year ago, I estimate, his corporeal existence was terminated by an agent of the Light, a human being who managed to execute a clever plot that took the Eye by surprise and was able to escape alive with the support of other agents of Light. This is a momentous event in human history and opens up many timelines. Humanity has been given the opportunity to choose its own destiny. Q and POTUS are doing their part, but everyone has a part to play.


I can't help but notice many parallels with Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Perhaps he was divinely inspired. In particular, the situation in the aftermath of Sauron's defeat is worth noting. Peace did not prevail immediately. Sauron had gained control over many groups. Some immediately died, bereft of the will that had dominated them. But there were others, far away peoples who had joined Sauron's armies with promises of reward or threats of punishment. Some surrendered while others fought on, too proud to surrender. And there was the case of Saruman, who was mercifully given the choice to repent and join the Light. This choice has been given to the members of the bloodline families. Will they gnaw the ends of their old plots as Saruman did, only to die at the hand of his slave, his spirit banished? Everyone has a choice, a part to play, from the greatest wizard to the meekest hobbit. What is your choice, your part?

Anonymous ID: 593368 April 7, 2019, 7:21 p.m. No.6091440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3257


>At a minimum, Plato, Kant, and many others, understood that reality can't been reduced to the physical alone…


You may be interested in this PDF: 20th Century Variants of Dual-Aspect Thinking by Harald Atmanspacher


Abstract: "In the philosophy of mind and in psychology as well as cognitive science, the program of naturalizing the mind is conventionally understood as the attempt to reduce whatever appears mental to physical explanations. In recent decades this has become a central motif in cognitive neuroscience and consciousness studies, where it features as the reduction of conscious states to brain behavior. On the long run, the resulting physicalism can be viewed as a counterposition against both idealist positions and Cartesian dualism. But is physicalism the only alternative? At least since Spinoza, there is a tradition of dual-aspect thinking in which both the physical and the mental are construed as aspects of an underlying reality, which is itself neutral with respect to the mind-matter distinction. I will present and compare some selected variants of dual-aspect thinking in the 20th century, such as Bertrand Russell's neutral monism, the holistic dual-aspect monism of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Gustav Jung, David Bohm's implicate order, and naturalistic dualism according to David Chalmers. They can all be viewed as versions of a naturalism that aims at a concept of nature beyond the duality of the mental and the physical."


I came across Harald's work thanks to a discussion with a friend about the Pauli-Jung collaboration which led me to the book: The Pauli-Jung Conjecture: And its impact today


which in turn led to the PDF above. I share Pauli & Jung's interest in the mysterious number 137.


Interestingly, the same friend just wrote a soon-to-be-published book expounding on the tri-unity.


In astrology, the three outer planets represent the transcendental aspects of the three inner planets' personal themes: intelligence, love, will =truth, beauty, goodness.


Hofstadter's Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid was an intriguing read.

Anonymous ID: 593368 April 8, 2019, 1:51 a.m. No.6094571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4662


>And no, Crimea is not like Golan, there was no referendum done in Golan like what happened in Crimea.


Agreed, but Kelleyanne sounded hypocritical in saying that they weren't alike but not for the reason you gave. The Trump administration's stance is that Russia invaded and now occupies Crimea, and thus economic sanctions are justified. The reporter asked/implied how this was different from Israel's invasion and occupation of Golan. She said "I don't see the analogy".


I think she is a good person put in an awkward position. Having defended Trump so fiercely, to continue to do so she must echo his statement that the Golan decision will promote peace in the Middle East, even though most of the world is opposed, especially the Arab countries. Anons have a similar dilemma. For some anons Golan is the final straw, after 5G, etc. For others, it's "Trust POTUS. Trust Q. Trust the Plan" which seems to contradict "Think for yourself".

Anonymous ID: 593368 April 8, 2019, 2:26 a.m. No.6094662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4732


The Crimeans I met when I was there the year before the overthrow of the Ukrainian government were enthusiastically pro-Russia. I would say they loved Russia and still identified with being ethnically Russian; they were part of Russia since just before the US Constitution was signed until 1954, having been acquired from the Ottoman Empire by Catherine the Great. I saw her statue across the street from the Russian Naval Museum in Sevastopol. The Russian Navy has been there all along. I was there on Victory Day and watched Russian military vehicles parading with huge crowds cheering. I took the ferry across the bay, right past the Russian cruiser Moskva (Moscow). And Trump's administration claims that Russia "invaded" Crimea? My photos.

Anonymous ID: 593368 April 8, 2019, 3 a.m. No.6094732   🗄️.is 🔗kun


While on the subject of Russia, I'll mention that I have reason to believe that Russia will play a key role in a bright future for humanity. As a country, they've manage to recover from near destruction and are now thriving. The cabal fears them for good reason. Yes, they have natural and human resources well-deployed under Putin, but their greatest asset is the Russian Soul, which I've been seeking to understand for more than a decade.


What is the Russian soul? This excerpt from the article The Russian Soul and the Collapse of the West by Siberian author Sandy Krolick on Dmitry Olrov’s blog describes it well (


''I am referring to the thoroughly mythologized Russian soul: a soul that in the mother tongue is feminine in gender — душа [dushá] — and, as such, is intimately connected with the mystery of Mother Earth. Recall Dostoevsky’s many references to the Russian soul as a reflection of the people’s unfailing and non-negotiable connection to the land from which life springs. There is a well-articulated and indestructible sentiment among our people that does not allow complete separation, physically or emotionally, from the land in which they were born and where they naturally survive and flourish. The Russian people have the greatest appreciation for, love of and attachment to their homeland and families, as well as to the broader ties of kinship these entail. They understand all of this to be intimately connected, as their language makes abundantly clear:


род [rod]: family, kind, sort, genus

родина [ródina]: homeland, motherland

родители [rodíteli]: parents

родить [rodít']: to give birth

роднить [rodnít']: to unite, bring together

родовой [rodovói]: ancestral, tribal

родство [rodstvó]: kinship


Over their history, Russians have had to endure the hardships and struggles of political turmoil and repeated invasion, and Siberians understand struggle as a given, as part of the cycle of life, death and nature. The normal conditions of existence here, whether in the city or the village, are not what we Americans would consider easy, convenient, or comfortable (although they are improving). Those who live here have preserved some age-old instincts in order to survive, and even to celebrate life in the midst of recurrent hardships and strife. The personal and cultural resolve that personifies this soul has been forged over generations of people facing down aggression, natural and political, then calmly and courageously returning to their roots and rebuilding their lives upon an archaic foundation in which they never lost faith. It is impossible to understand the depth and mystery of this soul separately from its rootedness in the simplicity of the Russian peasantry and the inviolability of the Russian soil. There is an earthly sensuousness that infuses the Russian experience; this culture remains drenched in the primacy of the body and the natural world that nourishes it. This autochthonous connection to the land—the Siberian’s more elemental experience of life in wilder, mysterious nature—may still be capable of influencing the future trajectory of both the new Russia and Western civilization.''


The Russian soul offers hope to the world. Ancient Russian culture offers a bridge between Eastern and Western culture, melding the best of both in balance. It balances individual sovereignty with social cohesion. It considers individual Man to be an integral part of Nature but also having a special place at the pinnacle of creation, being made in the image of the Creator.


The famous American healer and psychic Edgar Cayce prophesied:


''… for changes are coming, this may be sure — an evolution, or revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The basis of it for the world will eventually come out of Russia; not communism, no! But rather that which is the basis of the same, as the Christ taught — His kind of communism! (1930, No. 452-6)


In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” (1944, No. 3976-29)''

Anonymous ID: 593368 April 8, 2019, 5:10 a.m. No.6095102   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>MOREOVER, these subjects are the cutting edge of understanding consciousness, humanity, etc. having more eyes, minds, and hearts on these subjects is key.


Fully agree Anon. Once upon a time I was an academic myself. One of the reasons I left academia was because none of my colleagues were interested in consciousness, except from a reductionist viewpoint. But in later years I learned that some of the greatest Scientists were interested in consciousness and beyond. Besides Pauli's interest in Jung's work, Einstein is reported to have had a copy of Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine on his desk. Oppenheimer read the Bhagavad Gita in the original Sanskrit. Both Bohm and Bohr took an interest in Hindu wisdom, Bohm being a student of Krishnamurti's.

Anonymous ID: 593368 April 8, 2019, 5:28 a.m. No.6095159   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I read some Lazlo 15-20 years ago and did some coding work for Ian Stephenson.


I guess we have a lot in common. I was a coder too. I don't do it much anymore except for practice. Recently I made a lurking interface for the Q Research thread but no one was interested: >>5835173


I don't dwell much there anymore because of the hostility and group-think. It reminds me of when I was a core developer for an altcoin. I was doing it for idealistic reasons (antidote to the FED), but the early idealism of that culture gave way to greed. There was a strong group-think around the idea of "hodling" (holding no matter what, which didn't work out well for most). Misspelling seems to be a code that one belongs to the group, hence "interdasting". Not unlike a gang tattoo.