Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.5963800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4936



Good day to you anandasattvaanon


If you are talking about the drops with videos in them, then NO, that is not me. I believe that is from Fomenko anon.


Civilisations and history lived for a very LONG time under the ILLUSION of CYCLES or what most calls it as "history repeating itself". The truth is this is not a cycle, not a historical cycle nor an economical cycle. This is a PLAN or a DEVICE created and used by the Cabal in order to gain control, power and money. The have been using the same old thingy over and over again, in many parts of the world. It's like one big juicy cow, they inflate and then they slaughter it. In the process of inflating it, they gain a lot, and they gain a lot as well while the slaughter is taking place.


I don't know about you anon, but I woke up about the Kondratiev cycle in september 2013, that is when I've started preparing and waiting for the big wave to come. I admit, I was terribly surprised to see how LONG (((they))) managed to prop this up. All the cycles are not naturally built, once you understand that you will also understand there is no need for this to repeat itself. This cycle idea is one giant illusion. The Cycle we are in right now started with the sinking of the Titanic. The irony in it all this cycle is going to sink like the Titanic. We hit the iceberg in 2008. Playing the ostrich is not going to help people nor save lives.


I don't know if you are keeping an eye on the news but did you notice how cattle and fields have been "destroyed"? Did you noticed the nuance in the written articles or news about that. There is another layer underneath the surface if you can see through it. And have you been keeping an eye on what the New Zealand anons have been reporting? Not to forget this tweet from Comey. It smells fishy. And if you look at the bigger picture, you have this feeling there is a coordinated movement.


So anon, I hope you will prepare, stock up food and essentials, prepare for going out on days without any electricity, put some medics aside, if you live in cold region, prepare to replace gaz or cooking and heat. keeping coal and BBQs to use instead of a stove is a good idea. I don't know if you can buy gold and silver, but it's the best way to preserve your wealth's value. And whatever you do, be exrtremly careful who you talk this about. Just imagine what your unprepared neighbors will do to you when they find out that you have food reserves and they don't. Just be very careful. I hope it's not going to be as bad as this, but we can never know unless we get there first, So take care, I really do mean it. And USE YOUR HEAD. BE WISE. PREPARE.


This is Thomas anon by the way.

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 4:55 p.m. No.5969862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9910 >>0220



This is Thomas anon again,


Sorry if I’m a bit late with my reply, had some laguage to pack. My plane is in some hours.


We sit down one day and discuss how and when it all started and stuff like that, but it’s very important right now to know where you truly stand. Right now, it’s time to prepare and not talk theories. I’m saying this to everyone reading what I’m writing. I don’t know what is going to happen, I truly don’t, like I said earlier today, I’ve prepared for the worst thing ever possible, while I’m hoping for the best outcome. Praying for it as well.


The shit has already started to hit the fan for some time now, but we don’t feel it and we don’t see it because they keep on moving the blinds in front of our eyes. They can hide the poo poo from our sight for some time, but they cannot hide its smell for too long. Sorry, I know it’s a disgusting image there, but I think it’s the best I can give to illustrate the situation. A lot of people have been playing the ostrich for too long. It’s terribly good news to know how you and your neighbors shouldred one another during Katrina. I salute every single one of you.


But let me tell you what is different this time around: When Katrina hit, it was very tough and harsh, but in the back of your minds ALL of you knew it was temporary. You ALL knew it’s a matter of a small time before you are rescued by your governement, before supplies came, before help arrived, before the electricity lines were repaired and before water and gaz were restored to your homes. And then ALL of you went on to your daily lives, picked up the daily routine while mending the wounds from all sorts caused by Katrina. The wounded or sick were lifted up with chopers or by rescue boats to hospitals or rescue centers and so on……………….


But just stop for a moment and think what will people do when they realize that the governement won’t be there to help them? This senario is terribly scary. Just read the situation that is taking place right now. We have Potus giving orders to prepare for an EMP attack on the grid + elite preparing to run to NZ shelters + food crops and cattle being destroyed apparently on purpose + Comey sending that eery tweet talking about geology and facing the water + Basel III. Holy Heavens! That is one scary senario if you ask me. If I combine everything together, it means the bad guys are planning something so big that it’s going to cause the electrical grid to go down, there is going to be food shortage or total lack of food due to many reasons, inflation is going to show it’s ugly head as in everything that comes out of the earth is going to cost triple or quadruple the actual price now. There might be water and gaz shortage as well. And I don’t know what the heck they are preparing, but it might be some “natural disaster” senario type of things that is going to cause HUGE damage, to a point, that they need to flee to NZ and go underground.


I’m sure Potus got the message that is why he is preparing against the EMP. Here, there are 2 ways this could fall out: 1 – Potus and team manage to stop this event before it takes place. – 2 – Potus and team won’t be able to fully stop this event from taking place.

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.5969910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9997 >>0461



The second senario is what you need to prepare for. Remember, prevention is better than cure, and prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If somehow (((they))) manage to do some sort of harm, or at least (((they))) manage to implement a part of (((their))) plan, then Potus won’t be able to come to the rescue to the entire country. I mean it’s something to deal with one specific area damaged by an event, and help people out, but image how it’s going to be if the ENTIRE country is hit; mostly the BIG CITIES? In such times, that is the last place on earth you should be. That is going to be one very scary place. And don’t forget, those scary cities are filled with whom?????? Oh yes! The brainless, selfish lefties. Most of them anyway, not my intentions to offend anyone reading this living in a big city. But you get my point. Most of the people living in such place are brainwashed to think they are intitled and they get a lot of stuff for free. So what do you think Potus is going to do? He will be busy trying to catch (((them))) while they attempt to flee and in the same time, the persons working with Potus will be frantickly working to restore the power grid and other main essential infracstructures, while stupid spoiled people will be probably riotting after a couple of days without electricity. Not to mention the medical emergency that might arise from all of this. Can you see the magnitude of it all? So you think Potus will be able to help you out quick? No way he will be able to do that. I’m not saying he won’t, I’m saying he won’t do that QUICK. So you have to prepare for a senario where help and rescue and relief won’t come for quiet some time.


And if the economy gets hit during the same time, I don’t think you will be able to walk down to your grocery store at the corner of the street and buy what you need. Do you get me ? A lot of riots will break everywhere and a lot of thieves will try to get into homes and stores. You think police can keep up with every single one of them? And if there is some type of natural disaster along it all, the army will be busy saving whomever is trapped there. So if you neighbors are good people and you can coordinate with them, have a meeting and talk with them. It would be super great if there is a group of your preparing and helping one another.


If you need any “ideas” or suggestions on how to prepare for the worst stuff, let me know. Believe it or not, lebanese people have given me advise on how to prepare and they told me how they survived during the war years. These people are totally amazing on how they depend on their own selves and they don’t wait for any type of governement help or support. And some of the syrians right now have survived the war they have using those ame methods. I will tell you some of the stuff they do to survive if you need.


So take care anandasattvaanon, I honestly don’t know how it’s going to turn out. I hope Potus will be able to stop them. But during this time, it doesn’t mean we should behave like an ostrich and pretend nothing is taking place. I’m very nervous because of what is taking place and I don’t like it one bit. And just a while ago, it came out that the Mueller report will be made public around mid April. I don’t know what the heck is going on or what will happen, but I do sense a lot of tension rising, and it’s rising pretty darn fast. It’s getting uly and ulgier by the minute.


Yes, this cycle can be stopped; I hope you understand why I’m against Potus about the Golan heights. Potus fell straight into Bibi’s and Cabal trap. This is part of the end game they are preparing for us and Potus must backpedal RIGHT NOW. This has more to it than the obvious. Let me reply to Potus = you are wrong, Golan is NOT like Jerusalem. Whomever advised you is one heck of a moron. Golan is NOT like Jerusalem. THAT IS A TRAP and you fell right into it. BACKPADEL RIGHT AWAY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. AND PUNCH WHOMEVER ADVISED YOU OR CAME UP WITH THAT TACTIC. THAT IDIOT DOESN’T UNDERSTAND HOW IT’S REALLY LIKE. I know you are reading my drops. The one whom doesn’t understand is YOU not ME. Don’t fall into that trap and divide a family. BACKPADLE as fast as you can.

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.5969997   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Oh I want to add one more idea to what I just said =


If this bad senario takes place i don't think help or food from other countries will come. I think the other countries wil be probably caught up their own mess as well. It's just a thought anons, this is the wrost that can happen, so each country will have to survive on it's own for at least some time till things are fixed up and running again.

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 5:31 p.m. No.5970426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0696 >>3950



Yes, Basel III is terribly essential. what is taking place in Venezuella, i think (((they))) are testing emp, I think Ven is some of darft or practice or test to see how it's going to work.


Basel III is terribly dangerous to fiat currencies, and number one fiat currency in the world is USD followed by EURO, then YEN, then others. If you truly understand what the concept of money is, you will understand that Basel III is Mr terminator to fiat currencies. Ever since 1971 Gold and USD are enemies. USD was strong and only strong as long as it was stronger than gold. USD was atop of Gold. But Basel III is putting them on the same level. This means 2 enemies on the same ground in a fragile economy world wide.


Gold is gold, it's value is….well, gold. it cannot change it's nature. But USD, is what exactly? Oh yes! printed paper. do you get it?

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 5:50 p.m. No.5970693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0830



Actually, I'm a green "alien" with anthenas just like you ^_^ I have been persecuted for knowing the truth, and that for 40 years. it's been a terribly long and hard fight for me.


I know from experience that human's hearts are very dark while every few truly have good hearts. You and I are supposed to be enemies, do you know that? Yet here I am, fighting a fight along side poeple from all around the world. i didn't look at your flag or your passport, I wanted to make a change by looking at people's hearts. When I'm reaching out to you right now and telling you to prepare, I'm not doing it because you are american, I'm doing it because I hope I can help you be safe from harm. if you only knew who I really was, I wonder what will you do? yet, here i am, putting everything aside, taking the dirt that is being thrown in my face in 8 chan for some time, simply because I believe in the fight against evil, and I believe it will be defeated, crushed. The real question, is = what is the price of this victory?


I keep on urging Potus to backpadel from the Golan signature. That is terribly important in more ways than you can ever image possible. Without that signature, the chances were 50/50. But with that paper signed, the chances cam down all the way to 20 %. Even if it's a bluff from Potus, he must cancel that thing immediatly. IMMEDIATLY. He has no idea how that MONSTER is going to mutate. This is very important and with this move Potus just threw in the trash all the hard work the Alliance has been doing behind the scenes for 4 years now.


A lot of people reading this will think: oh this old man is senile and stupid, how can he possibly know what's better than potus? The answer is easy = I know the enemy for 40 years, I know how the enemy behaves better than anyone. Potus just blew a hole into this movement. i wish he didn't. I know the team is reading what I'm writting as well as the shills. both gave me plenty of proof they are reading what i'm writting. last year this time around, the outlook was much better than the now. Unfortunetly, i know Potus will not listen to me, because he thinks he knows better and he thinks I don't know the truth since I don't know what is taking place behind the scenes. My reply is = REMEMBER HOW ALL OF THIS STARTED AND WHO STARTED IT? if you have forgotten, I didn't. So in the name of Heaven, just take back that stupid piece of paper before it's too late.

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.5970787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0885



Don't worry, Yuan will NEVER be the dominant currency. China's economy is one HUGE illusion. All the numbers are fake for the past 30 or something years. China's economy is a paper tiger. The real king of money is gold. The one whom have hoarded the greatest amount of it is going to "rule" the economical world. Check out whom's been doing that ? it's the same country that has been stocking wheat and other types of food for a few years now. A hint = it's not China.


China's so called gold reserve numbers are not to be trusted. They are the kings of forgery along side Israel. I believe a lot of the gold that China pretends to have is tugnsten (hope I spelled that one right) covered with a thin layer of gold. And I don't believe Fort Nox has the amount of gold everyone thinks it does. That is unless Potus managed to get back a part of what was stolen.

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 6:17 p.m. No.5971097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1996






Sorry, I never realized I could be this confusing. You can say I'm an EXOTIC person. I speak fluently 5 languages and I can switch between them mid sentence if i wanted to. I've read tones of books, I really do mean tones, i was calling the walking encyclopedia all of my life. What a title that is? it's funny.


You can consider me a hybrid. I come from 2 countries, but 3 cultures. I'm perfectly adapted everywhere I go, I'm a cameleon, the only thing that betrays me is my "accent" when i talk ^_^ And by becoming an archeologist, I've also broken through time, I've traveled backwards and visited all ancient cultures and civilisations. Most of them anyway. I live in a family that is composed of mixed poeple = marriage to different nationalities, cultures and christian communities. And I guess the age difference does add it's pinch of salt to it all.


I'm telling you all of this about myself for the fun of it, I'm trying to show you just what one person can do when you don't have cabal chains holding you back. when Q said WWG1WGA…… I was like: euh! excuse me, but where should I stand? I have 2 nationalities because of my parents, am i this or am I that? i don't want to pick a side. I am who I am. So when Q says WWG1WGA and then Potus comes along and excludes every single anon fighting back in the middle east by signging the Golan papers. What does this mean? It doesn't mean we are all in this fight against the Cabal? It means SOME are KICKED out by the movement. Will I be kicked out as well when I don't fit the plan of Potus? is this exclusevily american. Sure Potus is leading the charge, but who got his back? Who is standing next to him? Either we all fall together or we are victorious all together, we don't get to pick and choose in this. Do you see how big the hole Potus blew in the movement when he signed the Golan papers from a "anons" point of view?


All that and I'm not getting into the political, human, intellectual and military ramification.


And yes, good old Vlad truly does understand how it's like. But you see, when you pull out american influence like Potus wants to do, you should not replace it with another influence. It's like changing prison guards, but the guards are still there. They should both let each and every single nation rule oneself. And I think that is wishfull thinking from this old man.

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 6:28 p.m. No.5971263   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I have come to believe that D5 to Death Sentence.


There are 3 possibilities:


1 - either each and single time D5 is mentioned is te equivalent of one dead cabal member.


2 - or maybe 2 or 3 D5 mentioned can point to one and single person, as in a specific group of D5 in a specific time frame points to one cabal member. i noticed there are only 2 death of cabal members . The D5 showed up : a bit before, during, and after, the time frame when McStain supposedly died as in it's put in a chronological [ ] kill box = from this month to this month. - this happened in a more obvious and eye catching way during Bush senior as in = before he died (truly died), during the time he was dead, and after his death with the funeral and all. Another time frame put in a [ ] kill box.


3 - but I noticed once or twice, from the very beginning posts that D5 can also be a way for Q to remind Cabal members of the punishment of treason.


I hope I managed to answer your question and didn't complicate it for you.

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 7 p.m. No.5971704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1793 >>9177



Sorry anon, I didn’t mean any harm, but waking up from the matrix is not pleasant. Your place in this life is easy to know. There is a way to help your family. The answer is Christ’s TRUE message = LOVE. You might think this is stupid or shallow, but it’s not. Stop for a second, and think. What did the Cabal implanted in humans for a very long time = SELFISHNESS. When you stop carring for others then Cabal does whatever they want. They would have won. When you stop caring for the yemeni child that is dying from hunger, stop carying for the syrian being beheaded by Isis, stop caring for the christian nigerian being killed by muslims, when you stop caring for the victims of ebola in africa, when you stop caring for the poor hungry people in india…………. This is all cabal doing……. And they want us to stop caring……. Once we stop caring, we become either sheeps or just like them. They are afraid of humanity waking up and ressonating in one voice together and rejecting all of the bad everywhere and embracing the good and love. Their master Satan would loose power if that takes place.


You can do great things anon, big changes can take place. And you can do it with your own hands, your bare hands. You will probably laugh back at me and say I’m old fashioned and a terribly senile old man, but let me just tell you the little stuff you can do to make this world a better living place and take it out of cabal claws. You can start by smilling to others, saying thank you, you can start giving your seat in the bus or train to the wounded or elderly, you can open the door to the ladies, you can help carry the bags of physically weaker persons. You can also start by hugging and kissing your wife/kids if married, mother/father/ siblings if single or your girlfriend. Showing affection and care to other human beings is very much important because it’s the equivalent of breaking the cabal chains. Some may choose to help others and their community. The goodness and kindness that comes out from one heart is very important in winning this fight. But it shouldn’t stop there, it should be merged with correctnous, rightouness. Being correct and doing the right thing is terribly hard to do and it takes out a lot of strength out of a person to do that. It's a compas that is very hard to keep up with.


Do you remember that 78 years old lady that was beaten up in a train a few days ago? What did other persons do? They just sat there, some watched, some filmed it and maybe some called the cops. But did ONE just stood up and simply told the man to stop beat the lady? No. No one made one single move nor said one single word to stop the physical pain and abuse that old lady was living in that specific moment. That is when the Cabal have won. This is what they want us to become. While most of the persons reading this are sleeping warmly and safely at night tonight, there are people out there, whom are sleeping in the cold, are hungry, are being slaughtered, are being bombed, are in pain. A lot of people are going to react = So now I’m being held responsible for the misery of stupid strangers?

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 7:04 p.m. No.5971793   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes you are because we are ONE. What if the roles were reversed? What if something wrong took place and you are the one sleeping in the cold? What if something like a huge crisis hits like what I’ve been talking with another anon just a bit ago, and you end up exactly in the streets like the homeless person you ignore each day on your way to work? What if that was you? Cabal taught us not to think about each other and think only of ourselves, that is in my opinion their greatest achievement. I want to break that chain. I want to scream loud and stop the war in yemen, I want to scream loud and send medic to ebola ravaged countries, I want to scream loud and save people from chemtrails from all over the globe, not just in the States, not just in my country. So tell me, why are you sitting there and not doing anything about it? It = being the wrong in this world. I’m not talking about being here in 8 chan. I am talking about actively doing something in the real world. If Bibi has his feet put to the fire, do you think he would have Bombes Aleppo a couple of nights ago (was it yesterday night or the one before it?) You think Hamas would dare to move if it’s feet were put near the fire as well? You cannot held one accountable while letting the other run free. You should not empower one side while not doing so with the other side, you will give one side the free ticket to exterminate the other. And this is exactly what Cabal wants = more sacrifices, and rejoyce upon seeing.


Reality is hard but in order to win over this darkness the light must start by shinning out of our own selves, into our family, move into the community, then into the entire world. No one would dare to harm another if they knew they would be held accountable for the harm they are causing. You are the light, you are the change. Each and every single one whom believe in God is the light. It’s up to us to use this light or not. It’s up to us to reach out and help others or not, no matter who it is. People are suffering, what do you do about that? There is a multitude of ways, choose one or many, the choice is yours but be kind, do good, and don’t waver from the path of rightousness.


When a person chose to take a part of others harm they stop being a good person.


Potus did that mistake, he choose to take part of the harm Israel is causing to people living in the region, by signging the Golan papers. if Potus doesn't rectify that mistake, if Potus doesn't do anything to stop the yemen war, then Potus becomes part of the harm. Potus forgot that. The military planning forgot that. The chess move forgot that.


It's up to the people to remind them all, we stand for what is right and good. Tricking the enemy doesn't mean we must burry our consciousness nor sacrifice innocents no matter who they are and where they live. We are ONE, or we loose against evil.

Anonymous ID: c7223a March 29, 2019, 7:53 p.m. No.5972464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6971



You bloody idiot understand that is the trigger of WWIII. The plan is not made of cement, nor written into iron. It's flexible, fluid, a horrible wrong move was made, it needs to be quickly backpadled. use your brain for once and think beyonf yourself. Once Potus has his hands filled with what Cabal is preparing for him inside the States, what do you think Bibi is going to do taking that piece of paper as an excuse? Who is going to hold him accountable? Not shallow selfish person like you. That move is in preparation and part of the big strike the cabal is going to do soon. so you don't care if other people die because of this. Congrats, you are cabal member now.