McCain was central to the major trafficking hub, but also caught up in tons of other shit.
The answer to everything you asked is a resounding "yes". Everything. Patriots in Control, contingencies across the board. The end result will be the one engineered, no matter how hard the DS stalls, obstructs, or attempts to deter.
1 of 3:
436: McCain coordinated transfer of the Dossier to James Comey
The DNC email breach was an insider, Seth Rich. It was declared a hack by Russians by a firm called Crowdstrike. The Defense National Intelligence Director, James Clapper, and Clown (CIA) Director, John Brennan, coordinated the dossier efforts and coverup of Seth's murder for releasing the emails to Wikileaks.
They also coordinated with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to blackmail the DOJ and FBI persons involved in the investigations to cover up the Insurance plan.
The power structure for coordinating the dossier hit job against Trump:
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Loretta Lynch
James Comey
Andrew McCabe
Peter Strzok
Supporting operatives include Chuck Schumer, Nanci Pelosi, Adam Schiff
They engaged British Intelligence (SIS/MI6) to engage in spying on Trump's campaign.
Hillary's campaign (illegal use of funds, anyone?) Paid the DNC which paid Perkins Coie to pay Christopher Steele, coordinating with the Podesta Group (Tony), then Eric Holder, which eventually got the Dossier to McCain.
McCain gives it to James Comey, Comey to Loretta Lynch (coordinating FBI/DOJ control), and eventually up to Barack Obama.
McCain was a part of the Daily Presidential Briefs in Obama's office (why?)
They were shifting the public narrative in efforts to set the stage to prevent Trump becoming president, or remove him after (if he gets elected) - INSURANCE PLAN.
The ramifications of these actions is that the public thinks it's OK to weaponize the US Intelligence agencies Presidential Candidates, those running for Congress, Senate, (using the MSM to shift that view).
524: How money is used to buy politicians
Q is explaining the source/destinations of money transfers for pay-to-play schemes.
For example, Loop Capital was funneling money to Barack, McCain, the Clintons, Nancie Pelosi (and on and on) through other countries.
Q wants us to ask the question how senators, presidents, congresspeople can get right while in office? What votes/policies to they exchange for the $$?
559: Private emails addresses are used to coordinate "Deep State" actions
List of people:
Loretta Lynch, Hillary, James Clapper, James Comey, Chuck Schumer (or Christopher Steele), Andrew McCabe, McCain, Rod Rosenstein, SR, John Brennan, Huma Abedin, Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama.
They all had addresses and used them to coordinate comms.
Eric Schmidt resigned from Google. He went to NK to setup private gmail comms for the deep state.
732: McCain in Syria (when no one else could get there)
Q lays out McCain's true source of wealth comes from those buying his allegiance; which isn't even a complete list, but you get the point. The McCain institute was a laundering scheme. Note the purpose of the institute:
The opposite is true.