Anonymous ID: d88a40 Feb. 7, 2019, 8:29 a.m. No.5066924   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lest I forget, huge thanks to POTUS and team for the gang and trafficking arrests. And of course POTUS gave an historically great SOTU. And to sustain our optimism we have many encouraging slogans. We have it all. Patriots are in control. We are winning. Trump has massive leverage with Declas.


Meanwhile we have newborn babies being killed "legally" just like China did under its one child policy.


We have teenagers receiving death threats because they wore a MAGA hat.


Illegal border crossings are rising again. And most of MSM and half of Congress bemoan that we don't do enough comforting of kids dragged across the border illegally by their parents, ignoring the intentional mistreatment and painful killing of non-illegal children.


We lost the House due at least in part to voter fraud despite proudly touted assurances that the elections were safe.


We have Congressional investigations multiplying like hydra heads.


El Chapo is on trial, but his prominent allies and the people he bribed are not.


FBI red tape slows down or stops any action aimed at doing good for the country, but dark of night swat teams can be assembled instantly to answer any whim of everyone-lick-my-dick and shower-me-with-$$$$ Mueller. And DOJ brass seem to need remedial education on the meaning and constitutional purpose of "JUSTICE".


Politically motivated district courts hand out national injunctions like lollipops and the Supreme Court, especially Chief Justice Roberts, do nothing to transfer such matters to the DC Circuit or to set up a specific Nationwide Injunction Court or Special Master process. Hell, Roberts hasn't even acknowledged the problems in FISC.


How far behind our goalposts are we going to be pushed before visibly ejecting swamp creatures?


Every time I get excited that the time is now, here's the big opportunity for the whitehat plan, POTUS seems to put thicker and softer padding into his gloves. So the swamp gets bolder and bolder in implementing their destroy America and its citizens agenda.


We elected POTUS to follow Tzu and Jesus clearing the temple, not to turn the other cheek 77 times 7. Surely do respect him because he is incredibly tough and can handle all the body blows, threats and nastiness. I for one am not. And waking up each day knowing young people and babies will not be protected from swamp sliminess is about as awful as I want this country to get.