Nonexistent, because the ultimate goal is Communism, and they will forgive anyone on their side for anything. No bad tactics, only bad targets. Anything disgusting a Communist does will be forgiven. Anything at all, no matter how mundane, that an anti-Commie does is treated as a major scandal.
The Left has already established that non-whites mocking whites is not racism because they don't have muh institutional power.
When you bring up that fact they just say MuH pArTiEs SwItChEd DuRiNg ThE cIvIl RiGhTs MoVeMeNt
Good. Fuck them.
Remember to vote and watch Hannity. Trust muh plan.
I agree. When you use the label of "socialist," most Leftists, especially younger Gen X and Millennials, will just nod and say "yeah, so?" They call everyone to the right of Stalin a Nazi or "far right," so why aren't we calling them Communists?
She was elected in a predominantly non-white district of The Bronx and has a D next to her name. It's entirely believable.
Also don't forget there's Hank "Guam will tip over" Johnson.
oy vey dat 90-year-old ebil nahtzee was a real threat to the community's safety