Anonymous ID: 1c939f Feb. 7, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.5069566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9581 >>9628 >>9633 >>9654 >>9679 >>9718 >>0062 >>0143 >>0257

Not a whisper has been spoken about this but Reddit Inc. is about to strike a 150 million dollar deal (potentially 300 million) with a Chinese censorship powerhouse… prepare for HEAVY censorship. This is a very serious privacy matter you ALL need to be aware of!


For such a massive thing, I've only heard echos about it. Not even whispers and this is a really big problem. As if we didn't need another reason to despise Reddit Inc. even more and as if they didn't need to give Aaron Shwartz another reason to roll over in his grave (RIP), Reddit Inc. gives us and Aaron yet another reason.


Reddit Inc. is about to strike a deal with one of the most powerful censorship fueled companies in the world. This company is the SAME company that worked/works hand in hand with China to build the infrastructure upon which China deploys its' intense censorship controls.


The company is called Tencent, "the first ever Asian technology company to pass a $500 billion market value." Journalist Patrick Howell O'Neill, a journalist employed by gizmodo, states that "the apparently impending Reddit-Tencent marriage is complicated by the fact that Reddit, one of the most popular websites on the internet, is regularly—and is currently—blocked in China as part of the world’s most notorious and sophisticated censorship regime, the Great Firewall of China."


Patrick goes on to say, "Tencent is, at great cost and ultimately for great profit, literally reinventing censorship in China. The Great Firewall was not built by the Communist Party in Beijing, it’s built by the tech giants all around China. This opaque but clearly powerful relationship between the $500 billion company and the Chinese government raises interesting and unanswered questions about Tencent’s forays into the West, including questions about Reddit’s future."


He goes on to say, "Reddit, which in the recent past had numerous executives say the company stood “for free speech,” is of course not alone in receiving the Tencent cash. In addition to Snap and Discord, Tencent’s accelerating investment program has grabbed a piece of over 600 diverse companies globally."


To read the full article I am quoting from and get more information, click here:


So what does this all mean? It means a variety of things. It means that Reddit Inc. will now be controlled and operated by one of the largest censorship ran companies in the world. A company that works hand in hand with China to censor it's citizens and control what they see and do not see. It means that this company will now have access to all of the information they can collect about you on Reddit.


As it is, websites like can generate pretty accurate information about you simply based on your comments. It extracts information and puts together a profile. One can assume the same thing will happen with this company but on a much more intrusive scale.


This also means you should WIPE your Reddit profile. Destroy your comment history. How can you do this?


Nuke Reddit History is one option.


Reddit Shredder is a script you can run to do the same thing


Shreddit is another option


Reddit has not been a site for free speech in a long time and this action should be very alarming. If you haven't already considered destroying your reddit comment history, do so! I regularly do so and will do so again.

Anonymous ID: 1c939f Feb. 7, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.5069608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Triangular spacecraft Patent



A spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner that produce a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of the hull. This field, interacting with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume combining both lift and propulsion.



This invention is a spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner. The line charges create a horizontal electric field that, together with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume providing a unique combination of both lift and propulsion.



Referring to FIG. 1, the spacecraft has a hull in the shape of an equilateral triangle. A parabolic antenna (E) is centrally located in the bottom of the hull. An array of horizontal slot antennas is located along the side of the hull (A). Each back corner (F,G) has a corner conducting plate which is charged to a positive voltage +V. The forward corner (C) has a conducting plate charged to a negative voltage −V. A motion control hemisphere (D) is located on the bottom surface in each of the three corners.



This invention is a spacecraft with a triangular hull having charged flat plates on the vertical corners of the three sides. The two rear corners are charged to a potential V. The forward corner is charged to a potential −V. The 60° angle on the corner creates a line charge density singularity that produces a huge horizontal electric field pointing from the back to the front of the craft which is also parallel to the sides of the triangle. An array of horizontal slot antennas located on the sides of the triangular hull produce an electromagnetic wave with the electric field polarized in the vertical direction. This combination of fields produces a spacetime force in both the vertical and horizontal directions such that the spacecraft receives a lift force and a force of propulsion.

Anonymous ID: 1c939f Feb. 7, 2019, 1 p.m. No.5069630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9718 >>0062 >>0143 >>0257

CNN posts doctored video of Bernie Sanders's SOTU response, including "service breaks", "error screens", to CNN youtube. Cuts him congratulating Stacy Abrams entirely, attempting to turn Democrats against him.

Anonymous ID: 1c939f Feb. 7, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.5069697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Marco Rubio - S.1 Bill Passed by Senate Will Ultimately Destroy Freedom of Speech if Realized.


This is a letter consisting of comments and questions directed toward a specific member of congress, Kyrsten Sinema. She voted "YEA" in support of the following.



Recently the Senate passed a bill entitled S.1 - Strengthening America's Security in the Middle East Act of 2019. "To make improvements to certain defense and security assistance provisions and to authorize the appropriation of funds to Israel, to reauthorize the United States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of 2015, and to halt the wholesale slaughter of the Syrian people, and for other purposes."


The sponsor of this bill is Marco Rubio.

There are issues within this bill that would imply humanitarian rights violations on many levels.


The concern of the author is that of "and for other purposes."




Don't you just love how Rubio threw this in there? Do you think Marco Rubio is shilling for the Zionists?


The key wording here is "ENTITIES".


Definition of Legal Entity: An association, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, trust, or individual that has legal standing in the eyes of law. A legal entity has legal capacity to enter into agreements or contracts, assume obligations, incur and pay debts, sue and be sued in its own right, and to be held responsible for its actions.


A corporation is a legal "entity" created through the laws of its state of incorporation, treating a corporation as a legal "person" that has standing to sue and be sued.


Black's Law Dictionary defines a corporation as: "an association of shareholders (or even a single shareholder) created under law and regarded as an artificial person by courts, "having a legal entity entirely separate and distinct from the individuals who compose it, with the capacity of continuous existence or succession, and having the capacity of such legal entity, of taking, holding and conveying property, suing and being sued, and execising such other powers as may be conferred on it by law, just as a natural person may."


UNITED STATES CODE Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It is stated that the UNITED STATES is a corporation. The corporation is not a separate and distinct entity from the government. It is the government.


We the People are corporate franchises governed by contract law via Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).


Contract law is above the Constitution and under the jurisdiction of Equity/Admiralty courts (UCC), so the governments began to contract with everyone.


We the People are considered "entities".


So when Rubio says this "The Combating B.D.S. Act does not infringe on Americans’ First Amendment rights or prohibit their right to engage in boycotts. By design, it focuses on business entities — not individuals"- you know exactly what his long range plans are.


This is how they do it.


This will be the slow dissolve of our 1st Amendment rights to protest, assemble, religious freedom, and freedom of speech.


On the front page of your website is states the following: "Kyrsten feels a duty to serve and give back to the country that gave her so much. She got her shot at the American dream, and she’ll keep working to make sure all Arizonans get theirs too".


Don't you realize that by voting "YEA" to S.1 - Strengthening America's Security in the Middle East Act of 2019, you just sold a huge chunk of Constitutional America to a foreign power, namely Israel? You just voted to support thee most racist, terror driven nation on the planet.


Not only that, under TITLE IV—COMBATING BDS ACT OF 2019, you countered our civil rights- Bill of Rights Amendment I states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


S.1 is in direct violation of American sovereignty.

S.1 is a human rights violation.

S.1 promotes terrorism directly and by proxy.

S.1 will further degrade our nation by allowing a foreign lobby to intrude upon our way of life via the US legislature.


Worst of all, this bill will set a precedent that will completely destroy our 1st Amendment in due time.

Anonymous ID: 1c939f Feb. 7, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.5069805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We live in a world controlled by an outside force. This force has hijacked mankind and our natural disposition for good. We have been pre-programmed BY CONSTRUCTS OF SOCIETY into rigid beliefs. 1. in a supernatural power (religion) or 2. Nothing at all. Society pushes us toward nothing at all because it benefits the outside force that has hijacked mankind. This is SPIRITUAL WARFARE that us using the brain-mind to access the soul-mind via your consciousness. Think of this force as Lucifer. Hence Satan having control over our world. In the Bible Jesus said he is the prince of the air.



Part of the control is a program that ALREADY EXISTS. It is this program that controls our physical reality. We are held captive in this reality by manipulation of our collective social conscious. This is done in many waves but for length lets say it boils down to frequency modulation. We are specifically held in a state that reduces the likelihood of mass awareness. A sleep state if you will. Boards like this are proof that we are asleep, as people here are aware that things are not as they seem but not fully able to see the bigger picture. This sort of board is a stepping stone for you to step into a higher frequency of consciousness. This is needed to move BEYOND the Collective Social Consciousness. The "conspiracies" all meet up but you must continue to dig deeper until you see it. Shills and disinfo are here to confuse but their stories are easy enough to deduce. Connect the dots. Each story that you uncover is a signal to YOU that we are in a FALSE REALITY. Your consciousness is essentially a projection of a HOLOGRAM. Your subconscious mind is more symbol based….THIS is why there is so much "illuminati" symbolism. 'They' dont have to address with words it because your subconscious recognizes it. The symbols allow them to access and control you subconsciously.



Now: concerning AI, the control of society is ALREADY driven from Artificial Intelligence in that it is a result of a force from OUTSIDE. Think duality of good vs evil. Gatekeepers in our world are in a sense fallen spirits who are working to keep us in a rudimentary state because they benefit from the toxic system in place by having access to your soul. There is a better place and our spirit knows this. It is your moral compass. When you lose hope you allow your access to this better place to be used by the gatekeepers. Its like waiting in line to get up front at a concert only to be tricked along the way and your front row tickets were taken by others since you arent occupying them. You are being fooled into NOT WANTING to occupy them by the construct of the duality of good vs evil and the feeling that YOU were given that it does not matter because in your mind "god does not exist". Lucifers trick is to fool people. Whats the saying..the greatest trick the devil pulled is convincuing you that he doesnt exist…



This AI will not create "god inside of a computer" but rather remove God from the hearts of man. You will lose your free will. You will become the mindless cog in the machine because you will lose your moral compass. You will willingly give it up. Many of you already have. Many will scoff at this description.



"Automation" and "AI" are referring to YOU, not robot cyborgs like the terminator walking around. THIS is what you must fear, not a Terminator robot fantasy spell that Hollywood has cast upon you.



In ancient times this was a much easier story to tell. Its spelled out in the bible but like your post it is written from a certain perspective. People of today have difficulty relating to that perspective due to the pre-programmed CONSTRUCTS OF SOCIETY and the fact that history is INTENTIONALLY hidden from us and in many cases changed into something else entirely.


We ALL have the power of much deeper thought. You CAN connect the dots but you MUST LIMIT your interference with the Collective Social Conscious.


Monitor your diet, monitor your entertainment, monitor your finances.


Limit their control inputs and you will start to clear from the fog.



This is just SCRATCHING THE SURFACE. Those of you who are also of an expanded consciousness and are aware of this and have more insight to offer please feel free to add further clarification to this.


Unless more and more people wake up to this humanity doesnnt have a chance. We WILL be reset as a great Rapture has ALREADY begun. We are living IN THE END TIMES AT THIS MOMENT !

Anonymous ID: 1c939f Feb. 7, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.5069898   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Making of Juan Guaidó: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader


Worth reading.