Can we finally quit being so critical of those who provide valuable Information for free & provide a means for those who 'Choose to do so' to contribute to their research?
If it's not behind a Paywall, what's the problem?
Early 2017, I became paralyzed from the waist down (learned to walk again) due to Idiopathic reason
I was unable to work
When Q entered the scene & I became aware, I had the time to research.
I considered setting up a Paypal & allowing those who would want to contribute to do so.
I have been out of work since that time & If you've ever tried filing for disability & going through that process you would realize the scam that is Social Security Disability
I'm in my 50's, college graduate, medical professional & am still waiting on SS.
A SS hearing takes on average 1.5 years to be scheduled!
You go broke by that time!
Having said that, I never set up a means for payment. It would have definitely made a difference.
I've spent hundreds of hours on research that have been posted here with numerous notables since January 2018
Lay off the people trying to make a living
If their work is behind a Paywall, that's a different story