Anonymous ID: 22923b Feb. 7, 2019, 8:02 p.m. No.5074371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4377 >>4401

Students Uncomfortable in Anderson, CA

Latest MAGA Hat "Offensive"


A school aide wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat is causing a stir after he told students at Anderson Middle School that it's the country's national slogan.


Several parents we spoke with Thursday said they were upset because it made their children, who are minorities, feel uncomfortable.


“It is offensive when my child comes home and says a school official made him feel uncomfortable,” Jennifer Zapien said.


Another parent agreed, saying the man should not have been allowed to wear the hat to school.


“My children shouldn't feel uncomfortable in the school,” Misti Hernandez said. “They shouldn't feel uncomfortable in their own skin around teachers because they're wearing that hat. And that's how my children feel.”


Cascade Union School District superintendent Jason Provence said they do not have a dress code policy for staff, and the man did not violate any rules by wearing the hat.


However, the district's policy for students says students should not wear anything that distracts from a conducive learning environment.


And student Maleko Sanchez said staff should at least be held to the same standards.


“Most clothes, we can't wear to school,” Sanchez said. “And so then why should he be allowed to wear this Donald Trump cap to school when he knows kids are going to get offended by it and maybe even teachers.”


His mother shared the same sentiment.


“The kids are not allowed to wear it,” Zapien said. “The adults should not be allowed to wear it. It is a school environment and politics are not necessary to be discussed on a school playground.”


Parents said they felt dismissed when they brought up the issue and would really just like to see it addressed.


“I would like the school to acknowledge it,” Hernandez said. “I don't think that we should be told as parents, ‘That was two days ago, and there's nothing we can do about it.’”


Superintendent Provence said the employee wearing the hat said he did not mean to offend anyone.


They have addressed the issue with the employee, and he will no longer be wearing the hat to school.


And they will also be talking with students to make sure they're not uncomfortable.