Anonymous ID: a32b29 Feb. 7, 2019, 8:09 p.m. No.5074450   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4488 >>4498 >>4669



Fuck you, you goddamn COWARD!


You are America's problem. You kneel before tyrants and piss on freedom. Damn you!


Our military is too busy fighting Jew-wars to give a damn about defending the American people. And I'll bet you just love that, you fucking kike. Go to hell, you anti-American, turd.

Anonymous ID: a32b29 Feb. 7, 2019, 8:18 p.m. No.5074554   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4600 >>4609



I'm an American and a conservative, you deceptive, kike, fuck.


And I talk like an America. You've just been listening to your Zionist-overlords for too long, and think (((they))) are American.


You lemming-faggots are our doom. Fuck you. You have ruined everything with your complacency, cowardice and cuckery. Die a traitors-death, you sell-out, traitors.

Anonymous ID: a32b29 Feb. 7, 2019, 8:24 p.m. No.5074635   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4658 >>4661 >>4893



Yeah… The "shills" are here. Because you are "over the target"…


The "shills" are calling out "Israel/Jews"… and you know you are "over the target", because America's #1 problem right now is combatting anti-Semitism.


And you are Fake and Gay. But that is another matter…

Anonymous ID: a32b29 Feb. 7, 2019, 8:30 p.m. No.5074702   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Well, if you are going to get dirty, the Talmud is quite the shocker… though many parts are boring.


Michael Hoffman is a BASED /ourguy/ who has thoroughly studied the Talmud. Check out some of his stuff. He runs a revisionist website. He writes short articles, like a blog on there. The articles are freakin' fascinating. He leaves no stone unturned and brings reasoned arguments against the Talmud and it's depraved teachings.


Also, "Culture Of Critique" is a great read. As is, "White Identity", by Jared Taylor.



Anonymous ID: a32b29 Feb. 7, 2019, 8:40 p.m. No.5074833   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4904 >>4953



>You believe you can fix something as big and broken as this?


Not with a pussy-attitude like that…


>You believe that you could know which course of action would be useful and which misguided, when we fight a hidden war, flying almost blind?


Yeah… Because we've known it's the kikes, all along.


>You believe you could have got us this far already towards an almost-impossible-seeming goal?


A FEW things we uncovered years ago are starting to make their way into the public-eye. Trump, nor Q, did any of that. That was us, the American people. (You're welcome).


>The cleansing and the mending are well underway. None of us alone can create this miracle-in-progress, but we all have our roles to play in the movie. Stay comfy, listen >quietly, learn to discern when to act and when to rest, when to speak and when to stay silent. And, when it is time to move, move with integrity, and the force of God.


Riiiight… So, basically, "Sit on your ass". Got it…


Well, the rest of us are going to fight for our freedom. Any way we can. The anon's post is symbolic. It does not mean we are going to smoke weed and sport automatic-weapons in the street. It means, we've had enough and we're going to do SOMETHING about it. If you have a problem with that, then put a fucking target on your back, faggot. Because anyone who isn't with us, is against us. We put America and the American people FIRST. And we have a right to protect our nation's sovereignty, when it is threatened with subversion and take-over.


We are Americans and we're damn proud. If you don't like that, you can go to hell.

Anonymous ID: a32b29 Feb. 7, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.5074863   🗄️.is đź”—kun



He has another agenda… I see through his game now. He is just telling the American people what they want to hear, knowing full-well that the lemmings outnumber the ones with brains, and that they will just drown any dissension out. He is going to get tyrannical… Mark my words.