Anonymous ID: fb41c1 Feb. 7, 2019, 7:56 p.m. No.5074298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tone of media reports seem to indicate Bibi's days as Prime Minister may be numbered…..,7340,L-5459817,00.html


Many on the right, and certainly in Likud, believe Netanyahu is innocent of the corruption allegations levelled against him, and the truth is there are several very good reasons to think so. Despite this, the chances Netanyahu would have to vacate the Prime Minister's Office due to legal reasons is becoming, with time, more and more concrete. It may not happen immediately after the elections, but it certainly could happen in his next term. In such an event, the party must have the ability to quickly choose a new leadership and embark on a new path, and not be dragged down with the leader.

Anonymous ID: fb41c1 Feb. 7, 2019, 8:39 p.m. No.5074809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4825 >>4828 >>4830 >>4914

Cubans have been big in Venezuela since the days of Chavez. Sure, they’re allies, and both countries are socialist. But, as shown in this article, the amount of influence from Cubans have in Venezuela isn’t always appreciated.


And then there’s this article about how Cubans, and other criminal elements, are really the ones running the show in Venezuela.


“Maduro doesn’t really matter. He is simply a useful idiot, the puppet of those who really control Venezuela: the Cubans, the drug traffickers, and Hugo Chavez’s political heirs. Those three groups effectively function as criminal cartels, and have co-opted the armed forces into their service; this is how it is possible that every day we see men in uniform willing to massacre their own people in order to keep Venezuela’s criminal oligarchy in power.”


Combine this with Cuba’s proximity/connections with south Florida and the drug/human trafficking situation we know goes on at the ports there, the political corruption, etc, this is starting to come together…. (I got a whole dig going about the Russian Mafia presence in south Florida and their ties to South American drug cartels – Broward County, Sheriff Isreal, Debbie Wasserman Shultz. It’s really big.) Everything seems connected.