LB/LA 'training' ops update
2nd helo element over eastside port…
2 a/c…looked like Blackhawks
LB/LA 'training' ops update
2nd helo element over eastside port…
2 a/c…looked like Blackhawks
Hanjin Shipping went bankrupt in 2016
Me too…especially since one of the surveillance aircraft could be a 'sniffer'
After I eat my dinner…I'm gonna try and get vids of the helo elements moving over LB…wish me luck!
21:20 PST
LB anon update #3
3 a/c…all Blackhawks
Track starts near downtown Riverside
21:54 PST
LB anon update #4
4th element tonight….2 Blackhawks
I'll attempt to video the 5th element