Anonymous ID: 89051e Gene Editing > Royals > Nimrod's Unfinished Work Feb. 7, 2019, 9:56 p.m. No.5075614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5657

>>5070604 (PB)

Recent articles about gene editing.

Gene mapping. What's it leading to?


Genetic Enhancement Reclaiming their "lost birthright" > The powers, intelligence, and superiority they believe they are descended from



Holy Grail for the Bloodline Families: Adult Gene Editing


>>What do these sickos believe?

Some clues:


>>What else do these sickos believe?

Freemasons evidently believe they are the chosen inheritors of the Brotherhood of the Snake through Enoch’s hieroglyphics and Mystery Schools, which have preserved spurious knowledge from the beginning.


>>What else do these sickos believe?

Nimrod built the tower of Babel with a plan to kill God and invade the spiritual realms. He is also known by other names in post-flood languages around the world: Gilgamesh, Tammuz, Bacchus, Mithra, Ra, Baal, Adonis, Dionysis, Osiris, Orion


>>What else do these sickos believe?

Nimrod's unfinished work can be finished by the faithful. The time to open the portal he planned to open at the top of the Tower of Babel is almost at hand. Great suffering and sacrifice required. Q warned us about the partial extinction event some were hoping for.


Why was the opening of CERN a Satanic ritual openly performed as 'art' and attended by European leaders?

"Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event."


>>What else do these sickos believe?

• The Return of Nimrod.

• Enhanced bodies strong enough to be vessels for the fallen ones they believe are on the other side of the dimensional doorway.

• Their families will be granted the Immortality that Lucifer told Eve was being deliberately withheld by God.

• Lucifer was wronged when he was ordered by Adam to bow down before Man, who is destined to become greater than all the Angels.

Anonymous ID: 89051e Feb. 7, 2019, 10:01 p.m. No.5075657   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>5070604 (PB)

Remember two things about this gene editing sickness


One, the evil schmucks have a plan. They are hunting for genes to make artificially superior humans, believing that such vessels can hold fallen ones… caution, deep rabbit hole.


Two, God always manages to make their efforts fail for them and advance his own plans at the same time. The evils ones are trapped inside time and He isn’t.


Q warned that some of this goes way deeper than the public knows and would seriously challenge peoples entire world view. When it comes to this subject… you are right. Patriots aren't in control. GOD is.


I’m not saying there won’t be collateral damage because of evil people playing with genetic code… there will be.

Anonymous ID: 89051e Feb. 7, 2019, 10:04 p.m. No.5075682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5732


Because they are taught the forbidden practice of praying to the dead… which removes restrictions on real entities in the spiritual realms… giving them greater freedom of action regarding the targets of their attempted influence.