Anonymous ID: aa4e59 Antioch, CA Masonic sketchiness (call to dig Feb. 7, 2019, 11:02 p.m. No.5076169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6177 >>6186 >>6259 >>6367 >>6411 >>6463 >>6467

Recently moved to Antioch, CA and there's some of the most blatant Masonic symbolism, sketchy abandoned buildings with surveillance, hidden nature areas/groves that can't be seen by the public, etc. that I've ever seen in one place.

These were all taken in the same area. Especially dig on the D'Anno dance studio with the MKULTRA symbolism in the logo. I get a really terrible vibe from being near that place. Lots of things have changed from the way they are on Street View.

The more you look around Downtown/in the Brentwood/Oakley area, the more you'll find. It really gets crazy.