Anonymous ID: 016bd4 Feb. 8, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.5078768   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5078015 lb


>can you do a solid a be a little more direct in spitting it out? too early no coffee yet, but saw lb posts and wondered


"Wondered" is part of "Alice & Wonderland"

=Wonderland [SaudiArabia] seems to be where we all are looking but not seeing Good vs EVIL

- evil/rogues withing SA sponsored Hussein; who sponsored Killery DNC/KKK ???


I am pointing here:

>>5077749 pb

>"What difference, at this point, does it make?" Where does Alice lead to?


and here:

>>5077280 pb

NOTABLE as per early early Q POST as: Q Anon posts


"Obama and Uranium One"

"The wormhole goes deep."


=[[R]WORM]=Hussein] follow to WORM


=(((KILLERY and Hussein say:)))

=muhRUssKEY[z] are ENEMY !!!

=we must fight/war for [is_RA_el says / frames goy]:


"OUR_ (((enemy of the North))) _KING …" < is being framed by [WORM]holes deep support us goy!


Why must we always have an ENEMY or FEAR?


pawns of the GAME WE ARE.

until WE STAND and FIGHT !