Anonymous ID: a45e71 Feb. 8, 2019, 6:04 a.m. No.5078138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8146

19 Different Fraudulent and Unfounded Reasons for Starting the Trump-Russia Investigation, (and Counting)


  1. The Mud Theory, throw enough mud at the wall to see what sticks. I don’t care what he did, but he’s guilty of something – so just arrest him


  1. Trump made too many trips to Russia


  1. Carter Page dared to take a trip to Moscow


  1. George Papadopoulos had a drunken encounter and bragged about something


  1. The DNC got hacked, so therefore, Trump is Putin’s lackey


  1. Some people surrounding Trump dared to speak to Russians in the past


  1. The dossier did NOT begin Operation Russian Collusion, but the DNC was most certainly NOT behind the dossier


  1. Okay. Okay. You got us. We confess. The Russians only wanted to stir up hate and discontent like they’ve always done


  1. Trump said NATO must pay, so therefore, Trump is a Russian spy


  1. Trump fired Comey, so therefore, Trump is Putin’s lackey


  1. Trump shared classified information with Putin just like all other presidents have, so therefore, Trump is Putin’s lackey


  1. The Trump Tower meeting proves Team Trump was trying to get dirt on Hillary, but nobody is allowed to speak ill of Hillary, so therefore, Trump is Putin’s lackey


  1. Paul Manafort shared polling data with a Russian, so therefore, Trump is Putin’s lackey


  1. Roger Stone bragged about being close to Julian Assange, so therefore, Trump is Putin’s lackey


  1. Trump changed his policy on Ukraine, and Ukraine did not appreciate the change, so therefore, Trump is Putin’s lackey


  1. There is no investigation of Trump. We are only investigating Russians, honest! We’re the CIA, so you can trust us!


  1. Okay. Okay. You got us. The investigation was based on the dossier, but only on some of it, not all of it


  1. All right. You got us. There is an investigation, but we aren’t going to tell you what started it


  1. Dossier? What dossier? There’s no steenken dossier!

Anonymous ID: a45e71 Feb. 8, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.5078377   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senior FBI Lawyer, Trisha Anderson, Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It


Judging from Anderson’s testimony, it appears that most of the work, including detailed reviews, are primarily done at lower levels within the FBI. By the time a FISA application makes its way to Anderson, her description of involvement at the SES level invokes something more closely resembling bureaucratic approval than intensive review:


“[T]he review by an SESer within FBI OGC, it happens on a very short timeframe. In other words, those SESers often will get a stack of FISAs that are — it could be 10, could be 15, could be 5 — you know, perhaps, the morning they’re obligated to go to the Director or the night before.”


As Anderson herself noted, “There’s not a lot of opportunity for substantive review.”


The FISA process does not appear to be any more rigorous at the leadership levels of the FBI. Anderson claimed that the FBI “Director might on any particular day receive a stack of as many as 15, 17, 20 FISAs.” And the allotted time for the director’s review of the applications seems surprisingly short:


“[They’re] very thick. It’s not unusual for the Director to receive a stack this tall. I’m indicating about a foot and a half between my hands here, for the benefit of the reporter. And so that, obviously, is not commensurate with the 20 minutes the Director has in his schedule for review and approval of the FISAs.

Anonymous ID: a45e71 Feb. 8, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.5078441   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Corsi vs. Stone.


"Defendant Stone likes to portray himself as Mafia"


"Defendant Stone even has a large tattoo of Richard Nixon affixed to his back," Corsi accurately points out.


Because Stone says he admires "Mafia figures" and Nixon, his statements about Corsi "can be taken as threats," Corsi claims.


Corsi: "Tellingly, Defendant Stone threatened kill a material witness and his dog, Credico, Person 2 in the Mueller Indictment, 'Mafia style.'"


Stone's said when he told Credico "Prepare to die," he meant it in a friendly way. Also said threat was to take the dog, not kill her


Corsi says Stone is using several "surrogates" to "defame" him including Alex Jones and Chuck Ross (Daily Caller)

Anonymous ID: a45e71 Feb. 8, 2019, 6:47 a.m. No.5078513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump rants against media for coverage of Russia investigations


Trump wakes up, watches news - notices one story missing. Says media has "refused" to cover Sen. Intel Chair Senator Burr's Russia revelation.


He let everyone on twitter know about it immediately. And he even goes all caps.


Krassenstein's proceed to meltdown