Meanwhile… police state is ratcheting up..“All the headlines would have you believe these cops were ambushed, attacked just for being cops while minding their own business.
But when you look deeper at the case, you realize these cops didn’t get shot because of anti-police rhetoric.
They got shot because they invaded an innocent couple’s home without announcing themselves.
That means that instead of knocking on the door and announcing themselves, police barge into a home with a battering ram.
These SWAT-style raids have increased exponentially over the years. And they are used for less and less serious accusations.”
California and New York are socials shitholes
LGBTQ bullshit continues on fucking steroids
The “Futue is Female” is being embraced wholeheartedly as evidenced in the SOTU.
One world religion is at full go
Military is coming home and funded to the hilt.
Wall is a priority BIGLY ( to keep them out or to keep us in? )
Economy is on the brink. The only reason why were funded to the 15th is because that’s all we can afford.
War with Russia and China looms
No 9/11 disclosure - she’s not locked up - trump love the synagogue of Satan….ffs people