Anonymous ID: 6999f6 Feb. 8, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.5080493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0501 >>0514 >>0525 >>0554 >>0613 >>0629



The NSAanon from yesterday was interesting for a few reasons. Mainly: we rarely get people on here claiming to be from an agency. Mainly because the barrier of belief seems too high, so if anyone posting legit as an agent they would be better off to stay unnamed and simply put forth information that can be verified. Anyone using a name will be called out as a larp generally.


So why name themselves? The best mask a smart man can wear is an idiot.


Taking this a step further, it would seem like if an agent wanted to drop non open source intel, the best way to do it would be to claim they are from said agency, drop legit intel without backing it. Enable yourself to hide behind "muh larp."


"I can see your soul at the corner of your eyes," is a true statement. Micro-expressions are the best non-verbal tell in interrogations. Likewise, in written word there are tells as well. You can tell by tone of writing whether something has the ring of truth to it or not. I'd bet there are algorithms capable of determining truth in this way.


Anyways the long and short of it is maybe we shouldn't write NSAanon off so easily. It may have been legit, and fully endorsed by said agency as a way to get us all to calm down while Q and associates are busy.


Would you know soft disclosure if you saw it?

Anonymous ID: 6999f6 Feb. 8, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.5080688   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I know, I saw, but that's the "mask" I'm talking about. Dunno, just thought it was something that belonged in the category of "maybe" rather than "yes" or "no."