Anonymous ID: d6a7db Feb. 8, 2019, 9:50 a.m. No.5080477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0489


Mueller = White Hat


Mueller goes after all the plants and embedded intelligence actors who did random shit to create smoke to make it look like overwhelming evidence Trump colluded with Russia. Coincidentally, all these targers will lead back to Dems, DNC, HRC and BO

Anonymous ID: d6a7db Feb. 8, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.5080513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527 >>0528 >>0712


100% anon. The proof is all the way back in the original May 2017 Special Counsel memo that states Mueller has the ability to prosecute any crimes he uncovers, as well as he has the freedom to go after "anything that arises" from the investigation into 2016 election interference. That is a black check. That line gives Mueller unlimited discovery

Anonymous ID: d6a7db Feb. 8, 2019, 10:10 a.m. No.5080765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0824


I wonder this all the time, its fascinating. I think combination of all of these:


Mueller is dirty, no doubt about that.. He was FBI Dir for 12 years, you dont get that position if you arent trusted to cover for the big dogs. So, in a sense, he is /theirguy/.. they are going to assume he would always be /theirguy/


RR has also always been /theirguy/. He appointed the SC and more importantly, /theirguy/ to head the SC. They are not gonna assume that RR and RM are all of a sudden clean

Anonymous ID: d6a7db Feb. 8, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.5080824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1035



I hit "post" by accident. I also think that a surprisingly high number of Dems are acting at this point, playing their part. This whole Q team devised strategy is more elaborate than we realize, and the only way for it to work effectively is for a number of bad actors to flip and sell out their counterparts. Cover their ass and we get the higher-ups.


I think the DS in general still believes Mueller is /theirguy/, but its because the strategy has played out so well. POTUS attacks the SC, which makes DS and Dems dig their heels in more to protect Mueller. Mueller has handed out real indictments, and some of these people have even gone to jail (Van Der Zwann, Papadop, Manafort, etc). Also, the Flynn sentencing keeps getting postponed because Flynn has some bombs to drop that the plan is not yet ready for, but the optics looks like Mueller is prolonging Flynn to keep him silenced. Notice how only Trump people have been indicted so far? White hats knew the plants and imbedded bad actors, so Mueller is going after them to appear he is following the Insurance Plan, when in reality, he is going after them to connect them all back to HRC, DNC etc

Anonymous ID: d6a7db Feb. 8, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.5081128   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Im intrigued as to how it finally plays out. Technically, Barr will oversee the SC once he takes office, and RR no longer will. And the SC answers to the AG, meaning Mueller gives his report to AG, and AG determines what to disclose to public and what not to. I am anxious to see how Q team has decided to give the public the bombs. It has to be done in a way where even the stubborn libs have to accept the results. I almost wish the Mueller report is delivered live on public tv with Mueller testifying, being asked questions, and maybe Barr and Horowitz sitting on both sides of him, corroborating all the evidence. And it would almost have to be done in a military setting, and not a House or Senate Cmte, as we see how the Dems quickly turn it into a circus and obstruct when damning questions are asked