looks like a tranny mobster
kek omg pissing them off like a boss
he's doing more there than you could do in 50 lifetimes in mom's basement with that liddle laptop of yers, anon!
gawd look at the ugly hag behind the fag.
the criminal justice system is a fucking comp'd cabal.
needs to be shredded and redone.
be sure to turn off yer mikes in the bathroom, critters.
that's it, CSPAN, give us some nice Intern T&A shots.
omg beverly hills
the belly-button of the beast.
>Gee, I wonder where this is going.
muh hair
omg look at this cluster!
it's hilarious.
i know, 28 postsโฆ.I'm off now.
she has an advanced degree in wymins studies, doesn't she?