>>5070545 pb
NSA here. If you have a question, I'll have an answer for it. Can't stick around long.
>>5070560 What agencies do you guys have a hold on and which ones are still rogue?
NSAanon Every agency has good and bad. NSA is mostly good, however.
>>5070573 are the borders safe?
>>5070576 Time to give anons moar than 40% truth. Up that shit to at least 75%.
I hope for that as well.
>>5070582 Any jobs for a 60 yr old disabled veteran navy crypto?
Taking applications!
>>5070584 Is ex-NSA Jim Stone legit or disinfo?
Stone is legitimate.
>>5070585 whats on the video of hrc that Q mentioned?
I haven't looked at it myself, but it is absolutely horrible from what I've heard.
>>5070596 Where's Q?
The team's busy.
>>5070600 When will we find out about Seth Rich and Las Vegas? Can you tell us anything about Khashoggi?
You'll find out about them when the Q is forced. Khashoggi was a media asset, used for population division.
5070766 How much of the NSA deals with ET contacts and coordination?
Astro solar communication is handled by a couple of dedicated teams. Compartmentalization is key.
No.5070784 Follow up question, will all this shit go down in this current term?
Not everything, but you'll still see exciting things. History books.
5070800 Will the Q be forced this year?
That answer lies with precise timing, and only POTUS and his inner circle knows of that.
5070920 The German people don't comprehend, what's going on. Who really rules Germany?
5070610 Does NSA still actively spy on everyone for safety reasons?
.5070612 What do you know about Merkel?
5070615 no such agency or national security agency (tyrants spying on potus) when is the "accidental" release coming wink wink nudge nudge
Within POTUS's term (first eight year).
5070618 are you all homos like snowden…or…?
We don't like traitors, no.
>>5070629 Can you bring your friends?? We love crumbs here. Thanks!
I'd love to, but not right now.
We were forced to.
>>5070636 Proof of just how many eyes are paying attention…..
Check daily retention of active users on the board.
>>5070641 What's in your bugout bag?
We don't need bugout bags.
>>5070659 How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
>>5070703 Eat in, or take away?
>>5070722 How does the UAE/Karma revelation figure into the plan?
It'll play into further indictments.
>>5070838 What use is it, if you know everything about Merkel and don't tell the Germans? Or does the NSA want her to destroy Germany?
Germany still has a ways to go until they're free. The Yellow Vests don't only affect the French.
>>5070849 >UAE/Karma This leads to @Snowden correct?
No, but a different legal mechanism will lead to him and his eventual arrest.
>>5070889 Is there a pic of Obama with a gun? Will the real truth about BHO be revealed?
Yes, and yes.
>>5070908 ThanQ for getting back to us, be safe and tell the team we love them, are praying for them and have your backs.Godspeed Patriot!
>>5070949 What's up with Kushner?
He wouldn't be POTUS's son-in-law if he was one of our adversaries.
>>5070984 And Rothschilds decided that Macron is opposing Merkel for North Stream 2? That doesn't make sense. If Roths rule Germany, they rule France too.
Think bigger, and why they would foment false international divisions even they're all on the same side.
>>5071066 How's our progress?
Major disruptions to global human trafficking ratlines, several governments overturned, and thousands of key assets either resigned or indicted.