Anonymous ID: b12b30 Feb. 8, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.5086293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Nobody has been arrested


That is to say, the public does not have proof that anyone has been arrested.


I am not a badass. I am not a spook. But if I were a badass spook, I would be able to grab key troublemakers and prevent them from causing mischief. Legal arrest might or might not be involved. I have no reason to think the USA lacks badass whitehats in its military. I don't know how many bad guys have been arrested, detained, or kidnapped secretly.


The whitehats will be definition honor their oaths to protect the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. I don't think they ever took any oaths to inform Anons on imageboards about their every move. I don't even know what laws of war they follow. Maybe they kidnap people and waterboard them. Maybe they use scopolamine. Maybe Guantanamo is full of hundreds of prisoners getting interrogated even as we type.


We don't know that there haven't been arrests. It appears the Hillary and Podesta are still at large. We don't really know. And both the whitehats and the blackhats want to muddy the waters.