Trump's biggest nightmare isn't Mueller
CNN starting to slowly backtrack all their Russia BS
Trump's biggest nightmare isn't Mueller
CNN starting to slowly backtrack all their Russia BS
Be me….
Be Centre Left politically.
Most of the policies of the Right I do not agree with or not 100%. However I HAVE to back The Right 110% because the Progressive Left are crazy.
Example: I am not a cheerleader for abortion. That said I think it ought to be available in instances of rape and pubescent children getting pregnant and not wanting to keep the child and severe deformity whereby the child will not survive term and such.
I think it ought to be heavily regulated but that it ought not be akin to birth control. It should be accompanied with counselling and education. I understand and respect the harder stance of the right to lifers, I just consider it too hard and fast. I simply disagree. However the Progressives on my side want to kill fully formed viable babies and some want to actually murder born children. That is crazy.
They do this kind of crap again and again. I simply cannot back them on anything because they are crazy. I choose the Republican stance on just about everything because the only stances on my side are crazy.
I back Trump because he is strong enough to take on the Progressives in a way that no other person, no matter how good a politician, could have.
The Progressives have dug their claws in and ruined so many aspect of society and culture INCLUDING the Left. I am NOT a Progressive. I never was that. I am on the Left but I am Liberal NOT Progressive. I am happy to engage and not an authoritarian.
I do not care if the Right burns the political left to the ground. The humility and lessons taught should allow for a reasoned, humble and rational Liberal to come out of the ashes of that.
What we get on the Left is kind of deserved for letting these Authoritarian scumbags take over the Left.
Be me.
"Economic Security for those unable or unwilling to work"
A new bill Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sponsored
Mayoral task force recommends paying struggling Chicagoans $1,000 a month
CHICAGO (WLS) – Some Chicago families could start collecting a $1,000 check every month with no strings attached. That's the new proposal from a task force created by Mayor Emanuel.
The idea is to break the cycle of poverty. The pilot program would give 1,000 struggling Chicagoans $1,000 a month.
Supporters say people could use the extra cash to cover unexpected emergencies, increase their savings and improve their health.
The money would come from a mix of city funds and charity.
For more information, visit
Nellie Ohr’s Revelation Of Dossier’s Ukrainian Source Connects The Dots From DNC To Mueller
The name Leshchenko, who was the source on the so-called “black ledger” of payments allegedly made to Manafort from Ukraine (and then laundered), ties everyone in the mix together very directly. It connects the dots without interruption or air gap from the Obama administration to the Clinton campaign, to Fusion GPS, the media, the DOJ, the FBI, and the Mueller investigation.
If it’s not the smoking gun, it’s certainly a gun that was used in a collateral felony related to the same crime.
Again, Nellie Ohr’s testimony in 2018 indicates that Leshchenko was a source for Fusion GPS during the 2016 campaign. Serhiy Leshchenko has been known for some time as the source of material published in August 2016 on Manafort and the supposed “black ledger,” the authenticity of which, as Chuck Ross points out, has never been confirmed.
But until Ross’s report revealed Nellie Ohr’s testimony, there wasn’t direct evidence publicly tying Fusion GPS to Leshchenko and the “black ledger.”
Now that there is such evidence, a lot of things fall into place. Leshchenko’s involvement with Fusion GPS draws a straight line from the DNC and the Clinton campaign to the Mueller probe in the form (mostly) of “people connections.” The dots connect in the following way (some material cited from Jeff Carlson’s invaluable The Markets Work, link below. Carlson’s links can be followed from his text).
The starting dot: Chalupa
DNC official Alexandra Chalupa, a Democratic operative of Ukrainian heritage, was focused in early 2016 on Paul Manafort and his activities in Ukraine, briefing the DNC Communication staff on Manafort on 29 March 2016, the day after he joined the Trump campaign.
On 28 April 2016, Chalupa gave a presentation on Manafort to a gathering of 68 Ukrainian journalists in Washington, D.C. “for a program sponsored by a U.S. congressional agency called the Open World Leadership Center.” (Emphasis in original at The Markets Work.)
Two days before her presentation, Michael Isikoff published a Yahoo News story on Manafort’s dealings with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
Dots: Usual suspects
Note two major points about these facts. First, at the time of Isikoff’s 26 April article, Deripaska’s law firm (i.e., his legal representative) was a client of Orbis Business Intelligence, Christopher Steele’s firm. Steele had essentially lobbied for Deripaska in the U.S. and brokered meetings for him.
Moreover, Steele and Fusion founder Glenn Simpson had known each other since at least 2009; i.e., they were well acquainted and did not connect at random for the notorious dossier whose compilation began a few weeks later in 2016.
It would not be credible to suggest that Simpson didn’t know Deripaska’s lawyers were Orbis clients; in fact, it’s much more likely that Steele was useful to Fusion because Simpson knew that. As a long-time journalist who had covered numerous Russian crime and Ukrainian stories, Simpson also knew the milieu, and quite possibly knew Leshchenko in his own right. (Connections of this kind, as I have observed many times before, are precisely what law enforcement and intelligence agencies investigate and verify to make RICO cases. There is nothing fanciful about informed speculation: it’s what leads to investigative priorities, theories of causation, and validation.)
The second point: this period – March-April 2016 – was when Fusion approached the law firm Perkins Coie about contracting to perform opposition research for the Clinton campaign and the DNC. The contract for the work was made during this period.
On 3 May 2016, Chalupa – again, a staffer for the DNC – sent Luis Miranda (the DNC communications director) an email referring to her brief to the Ukrainian journalists. In it, she mentioned “inviting Michael Isikoff” and “connecting him to the Ukrainians.”
Michael Isikoff, of course, would go on to be one of two journalists who wrote about allegations from the Steele dossier in September 2016 (the other being David Corn of Mother Jones).
Steele, meanwhile, contracted with Fusion GPS and produced the first memo of the dossier on 20 June 2016. According to reporting from 2017, he first provided part of the dossier to the FBI on 5 July 2016 (to his old handler from the earlier FIFA case, presumed to be Special Agent Michael Gaeta).
As widely reported in recent weeks, Steele met with Bruce and Nellie Ohr for breakfast on 30 July 2016. At that point, Nellie Ohr had been on contract for some months to Fusion GPS. What we now know is that Serhiy Leshchenko was a source for Fusion GPS at this time.
At nearly the same time, Alexandra Chalupa left the DNC to focus full-time on researching Manafort. Let’s refresh ourselves on the personal background that made this a natural fit for her role as a Democratic operative:
Justin Fairfax needs to step down.
Self destruction continues