Anonymous ID: e4bc6e Feb. 8, 2019, 6:36 p.m. No.5086765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6791


Parks, Crump Should Be Disbarred, Al Sharpton Arrested For Inciting Riot


This is the second time Daryl Parks and Benjamin Crump have ruined countless lives in pursuit of upending our system of justice. Worse still, it is all done at the behest of a man who, on countless occasions, ruined countless lives without issuing so much as an apology — the false reverend Al Sharpton.


“You gain some experience,” Mr. Parks once said in an interview with the Tamp Bay Times. “You brainstorm. You use what works and you don’t stop.”


And to hell with your obligation to your oath, truth and true justice. The term “equal justice,” which is often used by both Mr. Parks and Mr. Crump, is an oxymoron. Justice, by definition, is applied in an equal, non-arbitrary nature. But that’s not really what this law firm is all about, as so elegantly stated by the head of their civil rights department.


“I have a greater duty beyond being an attorney and that’s to be a social engineer,” Ms. Jasmine Rand said following the Trayvon Martin verdict, which can be viewed by the readers below. “And when the law doesn’t get it right, I believe we have a right to peacefully and morally, conscientiously object to the decision of the jury.”

Anonymous ID: e4bc6e Feb. 8, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.5086869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6887 >>6967


Who Is Benjamin Crump?


Reality Show Host


Crump's high-profile status as a legal expert has allowed him to expand his career opportunities. In the spring of 2017 he appeared on Fox's live courtroom show You the Jury and will appear on A+E's limited investigative series Who Killed Tupac? In 2018 he's slated to appear as the legal host of TV One's Evidence of Innocence.


Here is a list of the notable civil rights cases Crump has represented:


Martin Lee Anderson (2006)


  • 14-year-old African-American child who died at a bootcamp-oriented juvenile detention center in Panama City, Florida.

Robbie Tolan (2008)


  • 28-year-old African-American man who was gunned down by police in front of his parents at their Bellaire, Texas home.

Alesia Thomas (2012)


  • 35-year-old African-American single mother who died while in custody of the LAPD.

Trayvon Martin (2012)


  • 17-year-old African-American man who, after an altercation with Florida neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, was fatally shot in the chest by the latter.


and more not going to list them all

Anonymous ID: e4bc6e Feb. 8, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.5086945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6952 >>6960 >>6970 >>7049


Dem’s 2020 campaign can’t get off the ground, reportedly so nasty to staffers they’re dropping like flies


Much like failed 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton, congresswoman and potential 2020 contender Sen. Amy Klobuchar has a reported habit of treating people like garbage. So much so, that she’s been unable to retain a campaign chief, according to HuffPost.


“At least three people have withdrawn from consideration to lead Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s nascent 2020 presidential campaign — and done so in part because of the Minnesota Democrat’s history of mistreating her staff,” the left-wing news purveyor reported Wednesday.


According to former Klobuchar staffers with whom HuffPost spoke, the 13-year Senate veteran is demeaning, prone to outbursts, difficult to work with and just plain mean.

Anonymous ID: e4bc6e Feb. 8, 2019, 6:59 p.m. No.5087051   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Poll: Two-Thirds of American Adults Support Citizenship Question on Census


Two-thirds (66%) of American adults support the government posing a citizenship question on the U.S. Census, a new Rasmussen Reports poll finds.


In March 2018, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra became the first of 19 Democrats to sue the Trump Administration over the decision to ask about citizenship status in the 2020 Census.


Only 23% disagree with the Trump Administration’s decision, and 11% are undecided. Nevertheless, a federal judge in New York ruled against the administration, despite a clear history of posing a citizenship question.


Historically, the U.S. asked a citizenship question from 1820 to 1950. The Commerce Department also noted that the citizenship question would be the same as the one posed in the annual American Community Survey (ACS).”


The major difference is the sample size, with the ACS being a much smaller percentage of households than the actual census.

Anonymous ID: e4bc6e Feb. 8, 2019, 7:04 p.m. No.5087099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7186

Sony plans ¥100 billion buyback, its biggest ever, in wake of poor forecast and steep share drop


Sony Corp. is buying back as much as ¥100 billion ($910 million) of its own stock, the electronics maker’s first large-scale repurchase.


The shares rose as much as 6.7 percent in early trading in Tokyo on Friday after the company announced the buyback, which starts Tuesday and will last through March 22.


The repurchase makes up 2.4 percent of the stock and comes days after telecom and technology giant SoftBank Group Corp. announced a ¥600 billion buyback, it’s biggest ever. Sony has been seeking to strengthen its financial footing under Chief Executive Officer Kenichiro Yoshida, who was promoted from chief financial officer last year. Last week, Sony reported weaker profits in its PlayStation business and cut its annual revenue forecast, triggering the steepest share drop in almost three and a half years.

Anonymous ID: e4bc6e Feb. 8, 2019, 7:08 p.m. No.5087148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7165

MIC DROP: Johns Hopkins completely shuts down students demanding it cut ties with ICE


Students at Johns Hopkins University walked out of class on Wednesday in protest against the university, calling on the administration to cut contract ties with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


Students walked out in protest with signs and chants, demanding the university end its contracts distancing itself from ICE programs. One student who spoke with WJZ-TV in Baltimore said that the university failed to adhere to the “core values of the university.”

“We believe that these programs serve the public interest by providing quality education…"


Approximately 150 students and faculty walked out with the “Hopkins Coalition Against Ice,” according to the Baltimore Sun. The protest marks the fourth time protesters have organized against the university's partnership with ICE.

Anonymous ID: e4bc6e Feb. 8, 2019, 7:11 p.m. No.5087193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VIDEO: Venezuelan socialism victims send message to American socialists


This month, the eyes of the world have been on Venezuela, where millions have protested in opposition of the socialist leader Nicolas Maduro.


At this week’s State of the Union address, President Donald Trump offered a stinging critique of Maduro, as well as a warning to those wanting socialism in the United States, saying, “Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”

“people are eating from trash cans in the streets, so how has socialism helped?”


As Campus Reform has repeatedly reported, the popularity of socialism has been on the rise, especially among college students.


According to Gallup, the majority of Democrats view socialism more favorably than Capitalism.


Wanting to know if the people who support socialism had ever heard from people who’ve suffered under it, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to a Venezuelan Freedom rally in Washington, D.C.


It soon became abundantly clear that the Venezuelans in attendance were horrified by the idea of bringing socialism to the United States.


Asking them, “What is your message to those who want socialism here,” the attendees were in agreement: don’t do it.


“You do not ever want anything close to socialism,” one attendee said, while another added, “people are eating from trash cans in the streets, so how has socialism helped?”


Another attendee, whose family is still in Venezuela, said, “No Venezuelan can like socialism, because we’ve seen it put in place very well.”