>>5088016 lb
Yes, God damn it!
>>5088016 lb
Yes, God damn it!
WTF is with the green socks?
Speak for yourself, asshole.
Ty, anon.
Because that's tge only thing some of you chuckleheads respond to in any way.
Kek. That was easy.
Your ignorance is amazing. And, you show it with such conviction.
Hey, try this. If you don't want babies with the one youf having sex with, wear a fucking rubber.
Take some responsibility.
It takes two, man. I'm trying to save you a lot of trouble. Wear your fucking rubbers, or you've got nothing to bitch about. Why is this so hard for you?
I'm beginning to think the whole eastern seaboard needs to be impeached.
Kek….should have said, "so hard for you to comprehend".
You the monitor of words now?
Anon, stop being such a hater. Go on and fuck your brains out with anyone who will let you. Don't use any protection and see where that fucking gets you.
Unbelievable. But, it's his lesson to learn.
I get that.
Kek. "Their women". You're killing me.
You gave them Aids, huh?
He dead