Anonymous ID: e0675e Feb. 8, 2019, 8:46 p.m. No.5088272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8290 >>8293 >>8297 >>8304 >>8388


The problem is that women fear motherhood or the childhood of their child far more than the consequence of killing their child.

There are two ways to try and curb this. One could simply end legal abortion and kill women who have untimely miscarriages on suspicion of murder (because DFS is a weapon for nosey or petty neighbors).

Or, the root problem of the fear of motherhood could be addressed (this is not as straightforward).


I think the abortion debate is largely being used to divide people and to further carry the projection that many liberals have been raised with that women are "under attack" for their critical role in the continuation of life. It's a warped view - but there are many warped views out there.

Anonymous ID: e0675e Feb. 8, 2019, 8:52 p.m. No.5088343   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think you assume there is much more micromanagement than there is.


"Tools" or "puppets" are not necessarily knowing or fully willing collaborators. When you own the system of capital means, anyone who wants to do anything big ultimately must go through your gates and deal with you.

From there, you know who is doing what and how, get a feel for their ambition, and back the people whose ambitions you can play against each other.


These people do not need to be micro-managed, they were picked to chair more powerful positions because their projected course is what is desired. Hitler likely knew he was something of a pawn or a puppet, and was trying to get to the other side of the board. It's not entirely clear thar everything he did was "as planned" - but it ultimately served the purposes of those who ruled the system. As did America's part, Japan's part, and likely Russia's part (though perhaps not… Stalin reversed a lot of policies that the bolsheviks put in place to subvert Russian culture… So he may have forced their hand by being the only viable option for them to back as an opposition force heading out of World War 2).

Anonymous ID: e0675e Feb. 8, 2019, 9:05 p.m. No.5088460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8518


There is a thing called tact, anon.

Women were taught growing up in the millennial generation that they could choose to have sex for whatever reason they wanted. Contraceptives were going to stop the consequences you weren't ready for - so go have fun.

Women began trying to lead the lives of bachelors - working a career job, finding the social hangouts, and partnering with men for a night of fun.

The result? Somewhere along the line "fuck it, I'm horny now" or that failure rating of contraceptives struck - then women ran into a problem. Their biology has a role lined up for them that they were not prepared for.


I'm not saying they are completely without culpability, but at the same time - this is exactly what they were taught being a free and strong women meant. They then chose a lifestyle built around thrill and amusement and wound up in relationships that were not at all geared to accept the introduction of a child.


Worse - if men suddenly want to try and be responsible, it can be seen, from the warped view they have been programmed with, that men are somehow knocking girls up to try and imprison them in a relationship. Which - to be fair, the male possessive instinct exists, and men are not taught to deal with their own inner beast (or women, for that matter).


The result is a society that is actually very primitive and animalistic with the perception of men 'stalking' women to try and drag them by the hair back into a cave.


Which is why tact is not a bad idea to consider in reality. Sure, this is the chans, so blunt and edgy is the way to go, but when you are actually in a human situation outside if meme warfare, tact and a bit of "hey, we are all on this ship, together" can go a long way to de-escalate someone.