FBIAnon is a shitty LARP whose time is long over. Stop promoting this trash.
It's a stupid clown narrative that's only partly true.
Also, go fuck yourself, retarded faggot.
Yeah, except not.
Maybe they'll try RAnon again. Oh, wait, Q fucked their shit up, so they realize they need to recycle their limited hangouts. Jackasses.
Kiss my ass, waterboy.
Because 4chan is the perfect comped platform for a limited hangout clown op. Y'know, what FBIAnon is.
Not notable. Old news. Newsflash.
Project somwhere else, FBIAnon-cuck.
Why not read stuff yourself?
Taking others' opinions is virgin cucktier.
Think for yourself.
Keep trying, LARP-sperg. Go back to 4cucks.