Anonymous ID: a7b62c Feb. 9, 2019, 2:21 a.m. No.5090165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0171 >>0176


Only dem who hasn't trashed Fairfax is AOC, who said yesterday she hadn't heard of the 'issue'. That's pure bullshit. The Velaquez threat directed at C.J. was really fucking dumb because it pours gasoline on the volatile hispanic/black dynamic. Blacks won't tolerate letting blacks assume more power with shit like this.


AOC kissing up with Teigen (John Legend's husband) is a brutal move for status quo dems. AOC will take a lot of dem base with her if the status quo sidelines her. AOC playing dumb on Fairfax is part of this, IMO. An Hispanic who will stand by blacks. Gonna' get ugly for status quo dems and blacks when all this VA shit runs its course. AOC is in the catbird seat. Very smart dudes running that show.

Anonymous ID: a7b62c Feb. 9, 2019, 2:23 a.m. No.5090171   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Blacks won't tolerate letting blacks assume more power with shit like this.


I fucked that up. should be:


Blacks won't tolerate letting Hispanics assume more power with shit like this.