maybe something along the lines of "Soylent Green" ?
I am sure the cabal and dems would like to recycle us and drink our blood and turn us into biscuits
they already put baby fetus parts in our food chain….
maybe something along the lines of "Soylent Green" ?
I am sure the cabal and dems would like to recycle us and drink our blood and turn us into biscuits
they already put baby fetus parts in our food chain….
>I wonder what the British were thinking right before the Revolution?
the limey brit faggots were probably thinking how cute their bunk-mates arse was…..
>Anons I've been with Q since day one.
fuck off, shill glownigga, you homo cumdumpster
ok, signing off for t'day…nitey nitey
love all you anons…(no homo, like the English navy)
hope to buy you all a beer one day
cheers, mates !!
fight the good fight !