Jimmy Carter sent a bunch of college boys to Venezuela in 70’s to make it a shining star of socialism….Once again, socialism fails
Absolutely a socialism failure
First the commies screwed Venezuela retirement system up
Then the commies couldn’t figure out how to pump oil outta the ground
Venezuela is 40 years of socialism failures….C_A is just worried thy might not get all their cocaine outta Colombia
You don’t know yer history
I worked at Sunoil we were getting deliveries of Venz oil in the 80’s, deliveries started tapering off as their economy sank and it all started cuz the “pension system” collapsed due to commies stealing money, sound familiar?
Comparing Venezuela to the rest of SA is like comparing apples and oranges, no other SA country has all that heavy crude
Budget…..what budget
Nothing to watch if there is no budget….Q defunded?
Not only, no budget, commies keep coming up with BS ways to waste cash so they can line their pockets
1/4 of money for the Wall….so 3 ft chain link fence should work
RBG…..dead, just admit it
Gov shutdown looming again