Anonymous ID: ee92cb Feb. 9, 2019, 4:13 a.m. No.5090471   🗄️.is 🔗kun


for the home mortage you pay the tax because it's for the police and the fire, schools, and the town.

why should a mortgage company pay that?


but if you want a home mortgage deduction, you have to 1. have a mortgage (government incourages mortgages) 2. have 'income' to write off against it.

so basically the home mortgage deduction goes straight to the mortgage company, and only benifits tax payers who hold a mortgage, and goes down as you pay off the mortgage.


It could go straight to buying down the dept on the house.

those without debt maybe get a 'credit' for home maintenance.


or do away with mortgages.

I'd do away with health insurance and make it so health care providers can't profiteer or even ask the question 'do you have insurance, can you pay'.


is that socialism? the socialists want to take away the health care and mandate insurance that can't actually be used unless you are connected.


in the case of the meme about 'the bills', the thing that the meme maker misses is: the bills are payed to the very people who own it all.

Anonymous ID: ee92cb Feb. 9, 2019, 4:22 a.m. No.5090510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0521 >>0529


I believe that the main reason socialism is promoted is because it guarantees a nations future insolvency.

that way those who have access to credit can swwoop in at the end and buy it all for next to nothing. It's the way that nations are brought into bondage.


no one at the top ever really believes any thing that socialism is about. They all know it's about bond issuance with the full faith and credit of that nation, and then defaulting on the bonds, and retiring to a far away beach.


It happens every time.

and also socialism might collapse into hunger games marxism, like what happened in Cambodia. Then millions get murdered.


but you are 'convinced it was sustainable'.


what does that sense of being convinced do to honor the victims of world socialism? Millions and millions over a 150 year period: for the scheme of buying bonds at pennies on the dollar.

Anonymous ID: ee92cb Feb. 9, 2019, 4:34 a.m. No.5090545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0614


'capitalism' as a description of behavior in the small scale is useful. How do people actually spend their money? How does money benefit someone? How does it help fairly distribute the food?


when 'capitalism' is made into a 'belief system' that someone says that others 'believe' and that it doesn't 'work', then capitalism is no longer a description, but a smear. It's tagging people with an imaginary belief system and narrating a story about monsters who work in a system that 'doesn't work.'


It's a false narrative.

Socialism is false narrative at the point of a gun. For 'sustainable' 'future'.

and they will share it all.


as far as 'facts matter'. blahblah.

socialism is a fraud, the false narrative as a forced belief system, and cucks who loot it all as the gate keepers of belief and country.


you aren't anything unless they say you are.

it only works if they say it does.

Also: if there is anything left, they will share it with you (there will not be anything left).


and the description of how socialists actually behave can be explained through models of capitalism. At the point of collapse they socialist phony always behaves like a theif trying to escape off onto the railroad and go to a far away haven. Just watch old French existential crap-films from the 1940s: you see them trying to escape the ruins by standing int he fog at a train station waiting for the train . . .


but you want facts?


socialists don't give facts, they give you a vauge sense of no exit, fog, and promises.


If there is anything left, all that is left will be shared.

And what will be left is debt.