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Senior FBI Lawyer DID NOT READ Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It


Congressional testimony by Trisha Anderson highlights unusual process used by FBI and DOJ in obtaining FISA warrant on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page

BY JEFF CARLSON February 7, 2019 Updated: February 8, 2019


(Story includes transcript)


Ms. Anderson: “[So] there typically would be a cover note that would summarize the FISA. That cover note is generated by DOJ. And because of the time pressures involved and the sort of very-last-stop-in-the-process nature of the review, the SES review, that’s done, I wouldn’t read a FISA unless there were some sort of issue that was identified based on the cover note.”


Mr. Breitenbach: “You are, though, reviewing for the sufficiency of probable cause –”


Ms. Anderson: “After many people have reviewed that assessment. And so, as I mentioned, this was essentially a backstop to all of the other processes and the rigor that had been applied by DOJ attorneys and by FBI investigative and legal personnel.”


Despite the FISA application’s politicized nature and obvious sensitivity, it appears that no issues were identified in relation to it, as Anderson testified that she had not read the application, only the DOJ cover note:


Mr. Breitenbach: “Does that mean you read the FISA –”


Ms. Anderson: “No.”



Mr. Breitenbach: “Okay. So you did not read the FISA, but you would’ve been familiar then with at least part of the FISA with regard to the legal predication for probable cause in the FISA in order to be able to sign it?”


Ms. Anderson: “I would be familiar based on the cover note, yes.”


Mr. Breitenbach: “On the cover note. Okay. So –”


Ms. Anderson: “In the case of the Carter Page FISA, I was generally familiar with the facts of the application –”


Mr. Breitenbach: “Okay.”


Ms. Anderson: “– before I signed that cover note.”


Ms. Anderson: “In this particular case, I’m drawing a distinction because my boss and my boss’ boss had already reviewed and approved this application. And, in fact, the Deputy Attorney General, who had the authority to sign the application, to be the substantive approver on the FISA application itself, had approved the application. And that typically would not have been the case before I did that. Before, I would usually sign the cover note on the FISA application.


“So this one was handled a little bit differently in that sense, in that it received very high-level review and approvals — informal, oral approvals — before it ever came to me for signature. And so, in this particular case, I wouldn’t view it as my role to second-guess that substantive approval that had already been given by the Deputy Director and by the Deputy Attorney General in this particular instance.”


Rep. Meadows: “And did you read the whole Carter Page FISA application?”


James Baker: “I — my recollection is that I read the factual part of the initiation of the Carter Page FISA. I am not going to say I read –“