is it correct to say that only Jews are governed by the rules of the old testament? And non-jews are governed by the rules in the new testament?
im not jewish and after all ive been reading im happy im not. seems quite cultish-like. i just want to know if everything ive studied and came to understand from the bible is on the right path. i like to believe in my discernment but with disinfo and historical manipulation i get a bit confused. which is why im here? for clarification from knowledgeable/wise people.
its clear youre a fellow heavenly brother/sister although i believe that even the devil can quote scripture. your words moved me i teared up a little and now im calm, must mean something. as for 27699b purely semantics and character assassination/projection tactics no feeling at all reading his/her comments jsut more confusion.
quote Jesus for me… then i may be influenced to believe you.