Anonymous ID: e10917 Feb. 9, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.5093852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3868 >>3977 >>4037 >>4130 >>4173 >>4189

Article 13 [EU]


The Macron/Merkel deal document got "leaked" a few days ago.


And it is said that [Merkel] is behind the push to get the EU censorship machine up and running asap..


See for example: (German language)

>Merkel will die „Zensurmaschine“

>Immer deutlicher wird, dass das Kanzleramt und offenbar auch Angela Merkel persönlich Druck ausgeübt haben, dass die Zensurmaschine“ für das Internet auf europäischer Ebene doch kommt, obwohl das EU-Parlament es ursprünglich schon abgelehnt hatte.

>Und sie kommt, obwohl im Koalitionsvertrag mit der SPD ganz klar und unzweideutig genau das Gegenteil vereinbart wurde.


>Merkel wants the censorship machine.

>It is becoming increasingly clear that the Chancellor's Office and apparently Angela Merkel have personally exerted pressure to ensure that the "censorship machine" for the Internet does come at European level, even though the EU Parliament had originally rejected it.

>And it is coming, even though the coalition agreement with the SPD clearly and unambiguously agreed exactly the opposite.

>Höchstwahrscheinlich sind die nächsten Schritte, dass am Freitag den 8. Februar die Ratsposition, ausgeheckt von Frankreich und Deutschland, beschlossen und daraufhin am Montag den 11. Februar der abschließende Trilog stattfinden wird.


>Most likely the next steps are that on Friday 8th February the Council position, concocted by France and Germany, will be decided and then on Monday 11th February the final trialogue will take place.

Anonymous ID: e10917 Feb. 9, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.5093977   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The "deal" document specifies new criteria, which platforms are required to install the [EU] filter.


Which is now:

10+ million EUR turnover

Platform older than 3 years

has more than an average of 5 million visitors


If it's below those, the platform holder still has to remove notified works and subject matters/disable access.