Yes, Democrats DID start the Ku Klux Klan (and it’s still the party of racism)
I don’t want people to think better of Republicans.
I want people to be as critical of Democrats as they are of Republicans.
Both parties are really terrible. But the Democrats too often get a pass because they are better at branding and marketing.
The last time a Republican Presidential candidate got more than 15% of the black vote was 1960.
And yet the Democrats had a former KKK member in the US Senate until he died in 2010. In fact, Robert Byrd wasn’t just in the KKK, he recruited 150 friends to start a chapter!
Robert Byrd used the N-word on live television in 2001. And then was re-elected as the Senator from West Virginia in 2006.
Compare that to the current Democrat Governor from one state over, Virginia. Ralph Northam dressed in blackface when he was 25 (or KKK robes we don’t know which) as pictured in his graduate school yearbook.
This guy is a clown. His defense was that he doesn’t think he is either one of the two in the racist picture, because he distinctly remembers wearing blackface on a different occasion.
That time, he says, he only applied a little bit of shoe polish to dress as Michael Jackson, because that stuff is hard to get off…
I wonder how he knew it was hard to get shoe polish off his face?
(Also, his wife had to tell him it was inappropriate to do the moonwalk during his blackface apology news conference:
But I digress.)
As you can see, racism in the Democratic Party runs deep.
And this shouldn’t surprise anyone who has any knowledge of history.
But since most people get their information from memes these days, someone took it upon themselves to educate the masses.
A bunch of Democrats wore white to Trump’s State of the Union address to protest Trump or something, I don’t know.
Which gave birth to the following meme:
You’ll notice that below the meme, Facebook attached a fact check which claims the Democratic PARTY did not start the Klu(sic) Klux Klan.
Not to get nit-picky, but the meme states that DEMOCRATS started the KKK, not the Party itself. And Politifact’s fact-check rested entirely on whether or not the Democratic PARTY started the Klan.
Even in the article, PolitiFact admits:
One historian confirmed there’s a historic link between the Democrats and the KKK: Many angry Southern whites during the 1860s and 1870s were Democrats, and some joined the KKK. But according to J. Michael Martinez, who wrote the 2007 book “Carpetbaggers, Cavalry and the KKK,” it’s misleading to say the Democratic Party founded the Klan.
Yet Politifact confirms that the Democratic Party honored the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan when he spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, shortly after the Klan was founded.
Which brings us back to the original question, did Democrats start the KKK?