Anonymous ID: 52bae3 Feb. 9, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.5095879   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Details Of Preliminary Agreement Between ISIS And US-led Coalition Revealed


The US-led coalition and ISIS leaders in the middle Euphrates River Valley have reached an initial agreement after days of negotiations, the Deir Ezzor 24 outlet reported on February 9 citing special sources.


Under the agreement, the coalition will allow the terrorist group’s leaders and fighters to withdraw to an unspecified area. The sources believe that this area will be the al-Anbar desert in western Iraq or the desert near al-Tanaf in southeastern Syria, where a U.S. base is located.


The remaining women and injured ISIS fighters will be allowed to enter the areas controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). In exchange for that, the terrorist group will reportedly release several captives.


“The upcoming two days will witness the group [ISIS] final withdrawal from eastern Euphrates under the agreement … The agreement will be sponsored and directly protected by the US-led coalition,” Deir Ezzor 24 quoted one of its sources as saying.


Earlier, the SDF announced that it had launched its final attack on the ISIS-held pocket in the Euphrates Valley. However, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the coalition and the terrorist group are still negotiating.


The SDF has a long history of faking battles against ISIS in order to cover its deals with the terrorist group. In October of 2017, the Kurdish group was claiming that its fighters are storming the last strongholds of ISIS inside the city of Raqqa, while in reality the terrorists were being transferred with their weapons to Deir Ezzor. This could be the case in the Euphrates Valley now.


Negotiating with terrorists, FFS

Anonymous ID: 52bae3 Feb. 9, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.5095912   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5946 >>5957

Israeli envoy calls on UN to condemn murder of Israeli teen


Danny Danon labels brutal killing of Ori Ansbacher a terror attack, as Palestinian suspect arrested by security forces in West Bank raid


Setting the stage, hypocrisy overload

Anonymous ID: 52bae3 Feb. 9, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.5095946   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5957 >>5971 >>6296


Netanyahu calls for vengeance amid capture of alleged murderer of 19-year-old


“Israel's long hand reaches anyone who harms us," Netanyahu said Saturday night.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, one among many Israeli politicians, called to harm those who attack Israelis after the suspect in the murder of Ori Ansbacher was arrested near Ramallah on Saturday.


“Israel's long hand reaches anyone who harms us," Netanyahu said Saturday night."I congratulate the Shin Bet security services.”


"I wish to express my condolences to the Ansbacher family and to give them strength in their time of grief." Netanyahu continued.


President Reuven Rivlin also reacted strongly, condemning terrorism and acts against the law.


"We will seek out the perpetrators and their associates until we find them and punish them to the fullest extent of the law, in every place and wherever they hide from us," Rivlin said after the arrest.


"We will not be deterred and we will not cease our uncompromising fight against terrorism," Rivlin continued.


Otzma Yehudit, an extreme right-wing party, was disappointed with the Shin Bet, lamenting that the security force did not kill the man suspected in murdering the young woman.


"It is very grave that the order for the security forces was not to kill the terrorist," the political party said on Saturday. The group continued to demand the next government pass the law for allowing the death penalty for terrorists.


Other politicians also turned the devastating murder into a conversation about the death penalty.