Anonymous ID: dab709 Feb. 9, 2019, 2:23 p.m. No.5096039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nanotech from what I understand not only from vaccines. But vaccines impare the natural systems to fight disease infection and cancer.

A wave of mysterious deaths continues to plague practitioners in the field of holistic medicine, including chiropractors, herbalists and other alternative healers. Some of the deaths have been tied to research involving nagalase, an enzyme/protein made by cancer cells and viruses that cause immunodeficiency syndromes and autism.


Renowned autism specialist, Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet, was researching the enzyme prior to his death in July 2015. His body was discovered floating in a North Carolina river with a single gunshot wound to the chest.


Suspicions swirled that the doctor may have been killed as a result of his controversial research.