Anonymous ID: 803dae Feb. 9, 2019, 8 p.m. No.5101204   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5099089 LB, PB (not sure) Q’s post…


> What happens when the news no longer reports FACTS?

>What happens when the news no longer reports TRUTH?


I am struggling with this. It seems as if nothing happens, except lies and misinformation gets reported, and repeated ad nauseum. It reminds me of the Hitler quote, something like: …”Tell a lie bog enough, and keep repeating it, eventually it will be accepted as truth…” I mean, didn’t that’s happen with 9/11? Oe of the biggest pile of lies ever told to the American public. All you have to do is look at the piles left after the collapse to see something is a lie. A modern exoskeleton building would not have fallen like that, or become a pile of ash. Besides the thermite, and the meted cars BLOCKS away, don’t even get me started.


> What happens when the news no longer reports FACTS?

>What happens when the news no longer reports TRUTH?


I keep waiting for something to happen besides NOTHING/MORE OF THE LIES.