If this is a woman on male hormones nursing a baby with all those hormones - FUCK!!!!
What planet and timeline did I fall into?
If this is a woman on male hormones nursing a baby with all those hormones - FUCK!!!!
What planet and timeline did I fall into?
I'm concerned about all that testosterone that little baby is getting.
Some think just because there were professional promo shots by a Hollywood producer,
that we didn't go. Both are true - we went and there were promo photos taken on earth for media.
It is nursing, so it gave birth to produce milk.
The main concern is all the massive testosterone that baby is getting in the milk.
(and of course being raised by a nut job)
You would think a year with no hormones, the beard would have fallen out or not grown.
Trump Video MP4
Just a reminder that we are in good hands.