>>5097042 very pb
Just want to respond to (add to?) the DesertStormAnon --- (entire post copied so you don't have to go backwards)
1st - Thank you for your service
2nd - I didn't serve - but my spouse did. Many friends served. One of whom was in the unit that was ON THE WAY to take out Saddam when the order to stand down was given. I've heard stories of some of the things this anon is saying - I believe every word he said -- It's not the first time I've heard it. Won't be the last I bet.
The experimental shit really screwed with my spouse - hardcore PTSD and lots of unexplained med issues that could be traced back to shortly after getting a batch of vaccinations (no one would say what for - basically got told shut up and stand still for the shot) Nearly all of the kids born to the unit members just after they came home were deformed or otherwise disabled. Our daughter was the 1st born in the unit. Both of our children are disabled. Both are also down to 1 parent because of him finally giving up on the VA to help and committing suicide.
So I spouted all that out to say --- Your post makes perfect sense to me and I've heard the same from multiple people. This needs dug more. I'm also convinced 9-11 is tied into the same mess.
******Original below
I hate to tell you this, but I'm gonna anyways..
Yes, I'm the Desert Storm vet from the last bread, and yes, I thought I was fighting for FREEDOM
But what very few people, until now, and this may get me in trouble, but If Trump isn't legit, we're all fucked anyways..
Desert Storm wasn't about oil, although that was a bonus..
It was about Israel. Saddam, working for the CIA, shot useless SCUDs into Israel, so the weapons dealers could give the Israelis the Patriot missiles systems. The whole Kuwait chem attack was staged. Lots of experimental shit went down it that God forsaken desert.
The people retreating from Kuwait (Highway of Death) were cooked alive because they had documents and information that would have exposed the whole fucking shananigan for what is was, pulling the woolsey over the eyes of the American people for Israel..
We had Saddam in our sites, got a direct command from Daddy Bush piece of shit himself, to stand down. NO SHIT.
We need Saddam to be alive, to continue to be a "threat" so we could establish a presence in the ME for fucking Isreal, and PS, the house of SAUD is all JEWS.
Now, maybe people can understand why all the records of Desert Storm were blown up in the OK City Bombing and blame on McVeigh, a Desert Storm vet (innocent)…
So maybe you can understand a bit my detest for Israel, and backstabbing Jews in general.
No, not all Jews are bad people, but there sure are some shitheads amongst them, and they need to clean out their own ranks…
Phew, there, I got if off my chest. 28 fucking years ago, I was USED by the US military just like every soldier ever served in the US military.
And by the way, there is a reason the latest version of Manchurian Candidate (Denzel Washington) was a US Navy vet pulled out of his sleep during Desert Storm. That shit really fucking happened.