Whitaker was the Anti-Stzrok in those hearings. Instead of making faggity faces and being generally evasive, Whitaker looked deep into their eyes and communicated a soul-to-soul "fuck you" to the grandstanding committee members. They are SCARED SHITLESS of a alpha male. He walked into their clubhouse, pulled the poohbah's underwear waistband over his head and hooked it on his chin.
I was sure Jackson-Lee would. Not doing so is a career first for her.
Shhhhh. Kayfabe.
Maybe if they ran a global PR campaign promising not to fuck all the little boys from now on?
Kek. Grindr details in court discovery.
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>Now, maybe people can understand why all the records of Desert Storm were blown up in the OK City Bombing and blame on McVeigh, a Desert Storm vet (innocent)…
This statement raises my antennae. I've seen some pretty compelling arguments that McVeigh was Sheep Dipped.
Sheep Dipping was going on all over the place 92-93. They were romancing Army and Marine combat arms guys with trigger time and certain personality traits. Lon Horriuchi was another Sheep Dip and he is connected to Ruby Ridge/Waco/OKC start to finish.
Nothing hinky about that at all.