Or its in degrees and there's 30 left until The Hammer of Thor makes impact
Working for the deep state for 20years, you don't get radio interviews with Rothschild's or into Bohemian Grove unless you're deep state.
Train patriots how to react to increasing censorship, people look to their leaders on how to deal with enemies.
Jones/Hick's knew 911 was happening before it did from his handlers. Makes him a coconspirator guilty of treason.
Maybe but that's not what Jones meant
Jones was a piece of shit when he was Bill Hicks and he's a bigger piece of shit now.
Yeah I think he's our guy. Sent to infowars to interfere with their gay ops to destroy themselves.
Jones was put in to hijack Bill Cooper's audience and when that didn't work they just killed him. Or maybe JFK Jr got him to fake his death who knows, Jr did call in once at least after his fake death.
>>>5104308 (You)
>The lunatic is here, guys.
Why do you think they murdered Cooper but not Jones? Cooper didn't work for them Jones always did.
I've never called a retarded lunatic a retarded lunatic, don't know why you would unless you thought the opposite was true.
You argue the way neocons used to argue when 911 truth was brought up, except then you were a luntic for listening to Jones instead of Rush.
Doesn't matter he's there to control the opposition. If they can't silence opposition they're quiet happy to control it.
And I don't know how you think having a Rothschild agent lead opposition to Sandy Hook is going to help.
How is leading anti semetic groups good for Mossad? Basically the same reason.
Because he's going to monkey wrench it anyway he can for his Mossad handlers.
Just don't know why you'd trust a Mossad asset to lead anything, unless you think that asset's been Q'd and has Trump's hand up his ass?
Yeah that's not what this is though, unless he's been recently whitemaled by Q. Doesn't look like that though I haven't really listened to infowars in over a decade, I only see a few YouTube clips from it.
Finally learnt your lesson ya dirty perv
In conclusion Bill Hick's was a giant piece of shit and Alex Jones is an even bigger one.
Perfectly normal if you're a big time human trafficker
The way Rush used to redpill everyone then led his audience into Iraq and Afghanistan.
Not sure, wouldn't be surprised
Please be Mr T.
I think Q could arrange an invite.
Looking forward to more Q trolls like this and Fiji water girl
Is that really Bill?
People's brains are pre wired to pay attention to what they say from movies.