Anonymous ID: 9a1913 Feb. 10, 2019, 7:06 a.m. No.5105917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6008

Boomers…the totally asleep generation. Ours is half as asleep half woke. This hasnt gone on that long folks (at least the current post ww2 part), think about how the (((false))) version of history really took off after the late 40s early 50s. Television and (((movies))) eventually took off and the jews injected their matrix into the planets mind through the use of their magic little monolith that was being installed in every home across the world.


1999 matrix movie, with its obvious references to the JQ (and its antiwhite theme…another conversation) is no accident folks


We were born into a matrix. None of this shit is true. Just a handful of decades ago millions and millions of whites were being literally butchered by jewish bolsheviks. Those same demons control the media now and if God doesnt save us from this murder machine we are little more than potential organ and blood harvesting candidates for the (((vampires))). Calling us energizer batteries is really a nice way of putting it.


Might want to start standing up to the jews folks. This is our last chance