Anonymous ID: 7abbce Feb. 10, 2019, 8:17 a.m. No.5106570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6628 >>6631

>>5106344 lb

>>5106336 lb

Things have been going on behind the scenes to change that.

Ceo's and other executives have been stepping down in record numbers.

These sick evil people were entrenched in every aspect of our world.

They run most of the charities, they include doctors, corporations, politicians, etc.


You know dam well optics plays a part, and the good guys/Trump can't just some out and say, oh by the way, generations of people have been poisoned and made sick on purpose, etc etc explaining the NWO, their plans, their evil.


It will come out in parts, because if not, then the public would freak the fuck out.


You act like it was Trumps fault( every evil thing these sick people have done).

Trump is fixing it, but must be done carefully in stages.

Are you the same shill you says that children are still being sacrificed and it's all Trump's fault?


They are stopping it, but it's not something they can fix in one day.

These evil people ( behind the scenes) are threatening destroying the world.

They would like to set off a nuke in Yellowstone, maybe release some plague.

These are the type of fuckers, who do not want to go down alone, they want to take all of us with them.

So Patriots have to be careful, and there is a process/plan going on to protect the public as much as possible, and not trigger these evil people into doing really unspeakable acts.


And if they have been withholding cures, but those are coming.

Think if Hillary had won, nothing would have been done at all.No chance or hope of any cures if she was in charge.

Before Trump was elected i used to have a reoccurring nightmare, that a nuclear war had happened. I would wake up with this sick, hopeless feeling.

Have not had that nightmare since.

When i saw the 16 year plan, i immediately knew that was what i imagined/saw in my nightmare.

Anonymous ID: 7abbce Feb. 10, 2019, 8:40 a.m. No.5106796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6832


Maybe they are represented on there, because that is what he is fighting?( socialism/communism and the NWO/cabal pryamid)

Pyramid does not have an eye in it, more like a button.

Triangles are not inherently evil,kek

They are one of the types of shapes.

One of what i would consider the main 4, circle, square, triangle, rectangle