>>5106716 (LB)
>>5106551 >>5106592 (LB)
So RBG's involvement in Scalia's death seems pretty obvious to me by now, between the timing of his death and the "Ruth Bader Ginsburg" (2/11/18) and "I hear Hanoi is educational" (2/13/18) Q-posts, considering his death was 2/13/16. Add the CNN piece to that and I'm sold-ish.
What disturbs me is the similarity of her handbag and the POW flag. Those videos seem to lay out timestamps precisely with meaning attached… doesn't hurt that the bag is zoomed in on at "27" and the flag originated in "72." Is the "educational" part about selling/giving nuke tech to Vietnam or North Korea (educating them?), or is it about the possibility of "learning" things from conducting wicked experiments on our POWs (educating US?)? The idea sickens me. I hope I'm way off base with this, but my ability to imagine the things these sick f*cks might come up with has expanded greatly.